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I've just ordered Kate McCann's book "Madeleine".

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ladybirder | 22:06 Sat 07th May 2011 | Books & Authors
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Is anybody else going to buy it?


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No I won't be buying the book, and I'm surprised it's the Sun she's agreed to have it serialised in.

However - pink kittens I think your remark that she is a 'disgusting woman' disgusting in itself. She has been through the worst thing imaginable, and is still going through it. Is she really doing so wrong, as a mother in turmoil, by wanting to keep her...
09:30 Mon 09th May 2011
But we're invited to join in by buying their wretched books.

I wish with all my heart I'm wrong and Madeleine is found alive, but that mark on the iris of her eye made her too easliy recognisable - that's why I think she's no longer alive.
At least you have that right then salabannanas.Thank you.
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You are right teddy - I am emotional on the subject, for my own reasons other than those of basic humanity. It was an apology of sorts (to you for misunderstanding my comments) but I stand by my thoughts on everything.

Unfortunately doc, I think you are right - it is a desperately sad, more than likely lost, cause. But as a mother of such a missing child, I don't suppose you would ever give up hope until someone found a body - alive or otherwise.
If you knew me salla, you'd know how much of a caring person I am, but sadly this case to me is a lost cause, there are plenty of deserving missing child cases that haven't had a hundreth of the publicity that this case has - I'm desperatley sorry for young madeleine, as I am for all the other missing children - but this case gets me - it's all wrong on so many levels - and that's my opinion to which I'm entitled.
Just one question for you all. If a couple on benefits took their kids to a caravan park, left their kids in an unlocked caravan and sat a couple of hundred yards down the road with their friends, drinking strong cider and one of the kids disappeared, what would your immediate reaction be?
You can sign the petition to Cameron here :
I've said this before too, if they were from a 'run-down-kitchen-sink' council estate they would have been prosecuted for abandonment - but they are doctors, supposedly inteligent people - this is what I mean about this whole debacle being wrong on so many levels.
I think Kate and Gerry made a mistake and they are paying the price, a very high price in the loss of their daughter. They were staying in what was a family type complex and no doubt never imagined that Maddie would be abducted. We all make mistaked as parents but luckily our mistakes do not end up with such tragic results. I remember going to Butlins many years ago and parents could ask for a baby patrol to listen incase their baby woke up whilst they were in the bar. It was announced over the loud speaker that chalet number soandso had a child crying.
i dont want to tell you i told you so, but the mother is guilty, and will be found guilty one day, you mark my words
I agree Mercia, and I think a lot of people saying 'there but for the grace of god' can relate to the McCanns. If it was a poor family on benefits they couldn't relate and would be calling for some sort of punishment and for the remaining children to be taken into care - but surely the parents' grief and feelings of guilt would be exactly the same regardless of class. The only difference is the lower class family wouldn't be blaming everyone else and calling for the government and other authorities to sort their mess out for them.
Class has nowt to do with it Mercia. There was an Brit indian boy kidnapped who was found after Brit Gov intervened.

Puss, there was a babysitting service available at the complex and they didn't use it.
So the McCanns are vilified for abandining their children whilst drinking with friends yet according to pussnboots.. a few years ago Butlins actually supported parents leaving their children in their accommodations alone!
"I remember going to Butlins many years ago and parents could ask for a baby patrol to listen incase their baby woke up whilst they were in the bar. It was announced over the loud speaker that chalet number soandso had a child crying."

I feel so very sorry for Maddies poor parents and am certain they are innocent of any crime themselves. They are paying a huge price for a very silly error of judgement...
How many parents have children who have wandered off when out and about and turned around to realise the child is no longer there! That awful heart stopping moment (a la Jamie Bulger)....
Poor people
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I even remember my own mother forgetting to pick me up from school on a few occasions and aged about 12 I walked the whole way home alone!
Parents are busy, lives are busy, people get distracted, they were on holiday and there were other families who had done the same.
I really dont think they can be blamed for feeling they were in a safe environment and made a judgement error but leaving their sleeping kids for a few hours.
Yes I am sure they would use babysitting services now if they could turn back time. Perhaps the service wasnt available that night - or was fully booked? or maybe their friends suggested it wasnt necessary. We werent there so cannot judge.
2 short planks- I agree.
I recall that Shannon Matthews awful mother trying to raise money for Shannons search and quoting that the 'McCanns' had got money and support from famous people like Richard Branson etc.... and that she thought she should get the same 'following'; and money donations...
She was the from the dregs of society.. and was found guilty as sin!
Maddies parents are educated and intelligent people who had to endure IVF (cost and all) to try to have children.... why would they kill their own.. VERY Much wanted child?
I never did that nosha, I was just a kid myself but remember this happening at Butlins coz I ask my mum what the announcements were about.
In hotels I've been in abroad, kids suppers are served at 5pm so they're fed & bed before parents enjoy a relaxed child-free dinner at 9pm. There are alarms in rooms for reception to alert us.

Lots have & still do holiday in this manner, albeit Maddie's case has made us more aware of the dangers.

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