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I've just ordered Kate McCann's book "Madeleine".

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ladybirder | 22:06 Sat 07th May 2011 | Books & Authors
128 Answers
Is anybody else going to buy it?


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No I won't be buying the book, and I'm surprised it's the Sun she's agreed to have it serialised in.

However - pink kittens I think your remark that she is a 'disgusting woman' disgusting in itself. She has been through the worst thing imaginable, and is still going through it. Is she really doing so wrong, as a mother in turmoil, by wanting to keep her...
09:30 Mon 09th May 2011
salla...if she is alive, which I doubt. then by now she may well have adapted to her new environment.
I actually have an open mind on this, if their only crime was leaving their children alone, have a lot of sympathy for them, but if their deeds are more foul may the suffer for a lifetime, it was suggested that they medicated their children to keep them asleep, was this ever proven, they would have had the opportunity being Dr's maybe they gave Maddie too much?

I haven't made my mind up but I'm very suspicious about the whole affair.
get it from the eill find it in the fiction section
-- answer removed --
Gerry McCann is a consultant cardiologist and Kate a GP - you really think they would medicate their children to keep them sedated whilst they ate tapas? And that they 'overdid' the dose? Oh please....

Their deed was nothing more foul than leaving their children alone, like many others do and did, thinking they would be safe. And now they, and Madeleine, have paid the price.
You may well be correct Salla, like I said Ive an open mind, far worse things have been done to children by their own parents, this was investigated by the police and in all the newspapers so they appear to think it was worth investigating. Just another theory!
Why doesn't someone set up a thread where the guilt, or otherwise, of the McCann's can be debated (again) ?

This thread (not in Chatterbank) is about the book...!!
No, I won't be buying it. But I do hope that some day their daughter is found or the answers to their questions are at least.
Ed theres a difference between removing an answer due to offense and blatent censorship because you don't agree with the opinion voiced.

I didn't say anything remotly offensive and indeed stated what an awful lot of people are saying.

If your only going to allow a sympathetic view of this woman then say so. AB democracy at work.
One of the most harrowing things to happen, every mothers nightmare if Kate feels better about telling the story and it helps her cope ok but why do we need to know about their sex life.
Dont like her , never have.I rarely feel sorry for people who are instrumental in causing their own problems.
Nope, the only person I have sympathy for is Maddie, her parents were off drinking and should have been there for her.

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Well, I've only just got my phone line back since Sunday afternoon and now had a catch-up on this thread. I just wondered if anybody else was going to buy the book, that's all. It was never my intention to start a rant against the McCanns (usually directed at her more than him), which judging by the deleted threads, is what has happened. I am interested to hear what Kate McCann has to say and I hope that they can be put out of their misery soon, one way or the other.

JJ, sorry but ordered it from Amazon. Usually buy my books from the Sussex Book shop in George Street, so don't know the ginger whiskered one of whom you speak. BTW did you go to the Light Art display in St Ann's Well Gardens at the weekend? It was a dazzling display, loads of people there with kiddies and dogs and grandma and grandad and all for free. Reminded me of why I love Brighton.
Okay, so I HAVE bought the book.

I was one of the ones who said I wasn't going to.

But I have.


I just had to know what they have to say. I try not to rely on what I read in the papers. In fact, the paper I read every day has opinions with which I seldom agree. But I like to be reasonably well informed if I'm going to form a view on something.

By way of illustration ...

I have, from time to time, aired my views about the Kercher/Knox/Sollecito case. Next to the McCann book, on my shelf, are a few books about that ...

Murder in Italy - Candace Dempsey

The Murder of Meredith Kercher - Gary C. King

Darkness Descending: The Murder of Meredith Kercher - Paul Russell

The Study Abroad Murder - Will Savive

The Framing of Amanda Knox - Mark C. Waterbury

Angel Face: The True Story of Student Killer Amanda Knox - Barbie Nadeau

Injustice in Perugia - Bruce Fisher

Walking With Amanda - Florisbela Inocencio de Jesus

These books come to a range of different conclusions. And I'm waiting for another one to be released in August this year.

The thing is, I'm reluctant to form an opinion on something if there is something I've not read, that other people might have read.

So ... against that background ... it was probably inevitable that I WOULD buy the book.

I haven't started it yet.

But ladybirder ... I'm totally backtracking here ... I said I wouldn't - but I have.

I think a lot of people will do the same.

Anyway, when we've all had a chance to read it, then maybe we can trade views.
Absolutely NOT
So ... you'll think about it, mercia ?

jeez...louise.....joggerjayne and her books are kinda creepy
Welcome to AnswerBank, WuTang ...

Home of creepy book owners.

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I've just ordered Kate McCann's book "Madeleine".

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