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JinnyJoan | 20:09 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

I had an interview with one yesterday but it ended up I counselled her - lovely girl - but didn't do anything for me.  I'm just a waste of space.  



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Counsellor for what exactly JJ? 

You may well feel that after one meeting.  It will take several meetings with any counsellor before any of the real work begins and you get to the nub of the issue.  Stick with it.

You are not a "waste of space". Sometimes it takes more than one meeting and sometimes it takes a while to find the right person to help you. Give it time

I had a session with a counsellor once. We quickly agreed that it would be of no benefit to me. End of.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

One counselling session is just a 'getting to know you'. It takes time, if you feel that you need counselling don't give up.

You wouldn't expect to feel better after one tablet if a doctor gave you a prescription for high blood pressure 

//You wouldn't expect to feel better after one tablet if a doctor gave you a prescription for high blood pressure//

Pedantic but - high blood pressure typically has no obvious symptoms so I wouldn't expect to feel any different with medication🙄

Do you roll your eyes in real life, dave?  High blood pressure caused my oldsters nose bleeds and dizziness.

I do - quite a lot actually😁

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well Barmaid - she suggested a few things but nothing came off coming back to see her - I think she was glad to get rid as she couldn't get over the problems I had - when I left the surgery - she probably poured herself a big glass of prossecco. 

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