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Could Iran Be On The Brink Of Becoming A Civilised Nation?

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ToraToraTora | 13:52 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
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Sadly not.  The mad mullahs still wield the real power.

I suspect it ain't that easy.

But watch that space (not holding your breath).

It's a nice thought but with almost half of the electorate going for the other bloke they still have a very long way to go.

Going back to being a civilised nation, as it was before the revolution?  Hope so.  

Ali Khamenei will never allow it, he would have to cede power to the people ie democracy and that just won't do, the koran is the final adjudicator and he is the fist behind it, a revolution is the only way.

It would be wonderful if it did (go back to being somewhere near civilised) and I wish him the very best of luck.  A lot of bitter, uncivilised people have been beaten however.  I hope he has good bodyguards.

jourdain2, the iranians i have met over the years are lovely people, who yearn for the iran of freedom, history is what it is, we have to move on from mistakes made, loevly people that all i can say..

Indeed, fender.  It is the mischance of history that extremist, religious idealogues have prevailed.  Their following will not welcome this development.

It is the first glimmer of a chance.  P.s. I knew a very pleasant chap ('good egg' in the vernacular of the 20's)whose father had sent him away from Iran when Khomeni arrived. He and his friends and family who managed to escape were very normal people ... (he liked his pint and pork pie...).

//Could Iran Be On The Brink Of Becoming A Civilised Nation?//

Sorry - not in our lifetimes.

it was a stable democracy, till the US and UK decided to foment a coup. You reap what you sow.

Arab Spring anyone?

In answer to the OP, I don't think so. Only based on the last 30 years!

BTW TTT, what's with the Farage avatar? Don't tell us you were a Tory deserter on Thursday and decided to Reform? 😄

Another helicopter will be sacrificed at some point in the near future.

its probably jusy a ploy to try and get sanctions eased

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05:53 no I voted tory but I hope reform will merge with the tories with Farage as leader.

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02:22 so the US/UK deposed the Shah and installed the mad mullahs? Right oh!

Goodnews surely and;

"There are reasons [behind the low turnout] and politicians and sociologists will examine them, but if anyone thinks that those who did not vote are against the establishment, they are plainly wrong," he said.

I suspect that the low turnout does not reflect the true overall majority feeling in the country. Though women have the right to vote, I think many would have been forbidden to do so by their husbands and fathers.

it was a stable democracy, till the US and UK decided to foment a coup

er Mossadeq, 1952 ? um....OK

see the film 'Mosul'

the iranian agent says - "rubbish! we have dominated this area foor the last 3000 years!"

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