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Good Bye And Good Riddance.

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gulliver1 | 16:39 Sun 04th Sep 2022 | News
128 Answers
Boris Bows out as PM , Tomorrow. With his Party in a pretty poor shape in the opinion Polls. The key difference between now and then, is that in 2019 The Tories were well ahead of Labour , while now they are well behind Labour. ...He has damaged the Cons almost a bad as Thatcher did. and will put them out of Govt for some time ...


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At what time will Boris be handing over his
white builders hat and high vis Jacket
to the new PM.
//They ignored the one of over 1,100 who deemed Johnson the worst PM of all time//

/It was a pathetic poll of 1100 out of a population of 67 or so million and it wasn't ignored. You got it wrong - and you were told so./

What was pathetic about it? That you didn’t like the result? PMSL.
But you took the AB one as gospel? ROFL.
As you’ve been told previously, you’re detached from reality.
Why did you give no counter argument(yet again) to all the facts in the YouTube clip about his ‘legacy’?
Truth too painful was it? LOL.
Fatticusinch, As I said on your thread where you bizarrely declared it 'official', 49% - about 500 - said he was the worst prime minister ever so I guess the other 51% said he wasn't. Not only was the sample, from a population of over 67 million pathetic, your irrational response to it did nothing for your credibility.
Naomi, you are feeding the troll again :-)
Haaa! Sorry. ;o)
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YMB @ 12.28. Another pot and kettle answer .
Lol, credibility? You believe Boris was ousted by traitors, he didn’t lie and he hadn’t done anything wrong whilst in office! As I told you, his own parliamentary colleagues made it official with their record-breaking resignations, another fact you conveniently ignore.
What about the ‘legacy’ question? Card to address it? I’ll remind you of it, yet again.

Please tell us what is factually incorrect in that clip? Have a go at producing a counter argument, he is after all your hero, you defend him to the hilt.
Do so one last time.
As ever when faced with the big questions, you’ve disappeared.
Or are you still working your way through all the salient points in the clip?
Will I even get a response to it?
I daresay it’s a struggle to counter any of it atm though. PMSL.

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