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Good Bye And Good Riddance.

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gulliver1 | 16:39 Sun 04th Sep 2022 | News
128 Answers
Boris Bows out as PM , Tomorrow. With his Party in a pretty poor shape in the opinion Polls. The key difference between now and then, is that in 2019 The Tories were well ahead of Labour , while now they are well behind Labour. ...He has damaged the Cons almost a bad as Thatcher did. and will put them out of Govt for some time ...


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I think it's a given that the doom-mongers are hoping their predictions come true. Otherwise they will look stupid, n'est pas?
i do not hope my predictions come true… what you want to happen and what you think will happen are very different things!
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FCI @ 10.09"Where was the PM? on a beach in Greece"
It,s a great pity he never stayed there, It would have saved Naomi ,TTT, Paigntonian, and of course Davebro, from holding back the tears when Boris makes his ("FINAL") farewell speech.
Gully: How to grow a pear.....
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The final count Down is approaching.
The clock is ticking..
//The clock is ticking..//

Is that until the time you wont be able to post any more Boris Q's?

Come on, tell us, what are you going for next?
when Boris makes his ("FINAL") farewell speech.
O god - gawd I mean - we arent goinog to get one ( a set then) of them are we

horribile dictu ( you know I was goinng to write that innit)
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Just trying to think of a record I would like to play if I was invited to Boris's leaving Party. Maybe,
"Another one bites the dust" by "Queen" came to mind .
Did someone mean a pair as opposed to a pear?
Or is Gulliver moving into horticulture now and ToraToraTora is giving out tips?
yeah foo - if he does a clutch of three ( speeched, yeah remember?)
he could quip - fwobbling his hair as only he can - "following Disraeli I have decided to call this speech " statistics"

yeah lies damned lie and statistics - geddit ???
hmm there are few meanings you could pare down ....
yeah foo and like a lorra AB threads, it will then diss-uh-pear
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FCI @ 11.27 Not his fault.TTT's parents sent him to the
Tory school of Radicalisation , they only taught him about tunnel vision and how to wear blinkers , Spelling was not on the curriculum.
Bring back Boris. Someone with some grip, at least.
How do I find the recent Answerbank poll relating to this?
//How do I find the recent Answerbank poll relating to this?//

It was pointless because the Borstriches took it that maybe 80 or so (maximum) ABers aged 50+ were a reflection of society and the general mood of the public.
They ignored the one of over 1,100 who deemed Johnson the worst PM of all time, just as they did the recent record-breaking by-election results.

Counter that with the fact that our next PM will be voted in by less than 0.3% of the population.
I'm sure gully think Boris is about to disappear into oblivion. Hang on to your hat, gully! :o)
PMs are never voted in by the general public. How would you have them elected?
//They ignored the one of over 1,100 who deemed Johnson the worst PM of all time//

It was a pathetic poll of 1100 out of a population of 67 or so million and it wasn't ignored. You got it wrong - and you were told so.
Pulls up TTT on spelling, but in a previous post incorrectly puts Queen in inverted commas.

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