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Good Bye And Good Riddance.

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gulliver1 | 16:39 Sun 04th Sep 2022 | News
128 Answers
Boris Bows out as PM , Tomorrow. With his Party in a pretty poor shape in the opinion Polls. The key difference between now and then, is that in 2019 The Tories were well ahead of Labour , while now they are well behind Labour. ...He has damaged the Cons almost a bad as Thatcher did. and will put them out of Govt for some time ...


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in a nutshell: no electoral system guarantees good (or bad) government… ours certainly does not and neither do proportional ones… but proportional ones are more democratic in their outcomes.
.....yes and paralysed.
coalitions don’t always lead to paralysis and minority rule (us) doesn’t always lead to anything getting done…
PR and thus perpetual coalition government is more suited to the countries that have been doing it since time immemorial. We have not, it would never work for us. You saw what happened last time we had a coalition.
Having said all that (endlessly!). If the 2019 GE had fantastically and horribly gone the other way returning Labour with an 80 seat majority how do you think Agent Cob, John Mc (iavelli) & the Flabbotamus would have coped with the hand that Boris & Co got dealt?
making a coalition work is dependent on exactly the same thing as making a majority work… quality of leadership. neither electoral system guarantees that alas or else there would be no debate worth having - we’d all choose it and march off into the sunset. So it all depends on whether or not you want your leaders (crap or good) to be chosen democratically or thru a system of minority rule… i prefer the former, for all its flaws.

I don’t think we would have seen the PPE corruption scandals, so no Owen Paterson affair… i think the government would probably not have pursued a herd immunity strategy in the first few weeks and allowed infections to skyrocket… I think the govt’s planned investment into telecoms would have facilitated the work from home economy that became necessary… i don’t think corbyn would have undermined the government's own advice… i don’t know if partygate would have happened but i doubt corbyn would have been personally embroiled in it.

on the negative we would have higher debt and probably a slightly weaker currency but tbh it looks like we are headed for that anyway!!
We in the UK have always had a polarised political landscape, two dominant ideologies. This leads us to wax and wane between just two extremes constantly.
Some of our European neighbours are more used to more diverse voices and more complex coalitions. That gives more consensual Governments, but ones more liable to break down. Both systems have their pros and cons.
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Tomorrow will mark the end of Boris, and when Truss appears as PM, it will be the end of the Cons for decades. Can I hear the sound of Applause, Yes!
Do you have a milkman gully? See if he'll lend you some bottle.
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"Bye Bye Boris ",,,,,,,,,Goodbye

End of Boris.
Be careful what you wish for. What comes next might be worse.
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Just think about it. In a few years time the history teachers will be telling the kids in school about a political party from many years ago That was known as the Tory Party.
The Conservative Party aren’t going anywhere.
They might try to reinvent themselves, but they have a long history. They need to go back to basics, but modernise for the 21st century.
@22.53.You wishing for the end of the Tory Party is the same as me wanting the end of the SNP.Neither scenario is going to happen any time soon.Get used to it.
If Labour want to have any hope of winning the next general election, they need to find a leader with the charisma and voter appeal of a Blair or a Thatcher - whatever your opinion of their politics, they both knew how to win general elections. Labour has no-one even remotely like that.

You might also argue that, if the Lib Dems could similarly find such a leader, they too might have a realistic chance - someone who could rally the electorate on the "we've had the Tor / Labour debacle for far too long - it's time for a change" ticket. However, they also have no-one like that.

Until / unless that situation ever changes, Westminster will have a Tory government.
Poor gulliver, so desperate for a labour win, so unaware of reality.
I agree
Truss will be terrible, Starmer is no good and I cannot even remember who the LibDem leader is.
I would like Burnham to be Labour leader, but he isn’t even an MP. The future looks grim.
Oh come on give him some credit, in his last moments he's provided solid advice on how how to spend £20 now to save £10 a year, for every... year on your elec, ten pe, te ten pounds a year, every year, on your electricity... bill

After today what are you going to post about then Gully?

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