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About Those Trade Deals….

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FatticusInch | 08:31 Tue 20th Sep 2022 | News
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that Boris promised was a big bonus of Brexit…..

Why aren’t there any negotiations in place? Didn’t the former Minister for Brexit Opportunities get anything moving?
As predicted by her own, is Truss already scuppered before she’s even set sail?


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Can you show us your homework, Naomi, or has the dog eaten it?
17:10 Tue 20th Sep 2022
Fatticusinch, See spicerack’s post at 12.13 - and if you don’t know what he’s talking about - which clearly you don’t - do your homework.
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You can stop digging naomi24, you’re deep enough now! Lol
-- answer removed --
No digging here. It’s quite clear that you don’t know what you’re talking about. :o)
Sorry, YMB. Smacked knees for me! :o)
When Obama said we would be at the back of the queue for a trade deal, the world knew that he wasn’t up for re-election 5 months later.
We knew there was going to be a change of President, but still insisted a new trade deal was just a formality. One with the US has been shelved, and the rest of the world haven’t exactly been abundant.
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I wonder if it’s because of this?

/But five years after a “massive” deal was promised to London by then US president Donald Trump, and two years after Brexit, a US-UK free-trade agreement seems elusive as negotiations stall. “The main reason it’s not happening is because the US doesn’t want trade deals at the moment,” said trade expert David Henig, of the European Centre for International Political Economy. “Since 2016, Washington has been anti-global trade because it believes it to be bad for its domestic manufacturing. That view hasn’t really changed with the (Joe) Biden administration.” Economist Peter Holmes, an author of a study on UK-US trade by the UK Trade Policy Observatory, said: “The Biden administration is much less interested in trade than Trump was – but it also shares a lot of views with Trump and sees industrial policy at home as the way to go”./

So it was just Boris bluff and bluster then?
Nothing to do with a change of Presidents, obviously.

There'll be no EU soon. Every one of you Remainers will condemn it's existence before it's bloody, tyrannical demise.
Fatticusinch...Think you are upsetting The Blue sheep on here.....Good
Oooh, Nostrarackus.
It's plain to any fool, Douglas, and.........
The EU doesn't have a trade deal with the US either so it would actually be a Brexit Benefit (TM) if we could get one. Problem is that the US doesn't seem to want one with us. Oh for the good old days where we could turn up with some gunboats and force a lovely trade deal on people.
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//There'll be no EU soon. Every one of you Remainers will condemn it's existence before it's bloody, tyrannical demise.//

What about the Brexiteers who are also asking what has happened to the promised US/UK trade deal that is now years away?
Nothing to do with the EU because we are, after all, out of that now.
So what’s your next excuse?
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//Fatticusinch...Think you are upsetting The Blue sheep on here.....Good//

Just asking pertinent and relevant questions, unanswered as usual by the terminally evasive.
"There'll be no EU soon. Every one of you Remainers will condemn it's existence before it's bloody, tyrannical demise."

how soon do you reckon roughly? easy to make prophecies when they are so wooly and vague
it is all about American perceptions of Irish Freedom, fats....

I dont go on about the events of 1900, dardie arm boere and how wunnerful Om Paul Kruger was . Something to do with, I dont think he was. Or relive Elandslagte every goddam week

But Biden does ( oireland) - and has linked it to a free trade deal.

Do you remember Edward Kennedy ( drowner, that one) calling on HMG to - "cease and desist frarm " being aggressive toward oirish freedom fighters? - 1970. I think
and the prime minister saying "go and drown someone else" well OK he didnt say that ....
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Just dawned on me……

Boris is so forgetful maybe he thought that the deal he made with Arcurri was all-binding for anyone in the future US administration?
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"There'll be no EU soon. Every one of you Remainers will condemn it's existence before it's bloody, tyrannical demise."

/how soon do you reckon roughly? easy to make prophecies when they are so wooly and vague/

Maybe Spicerack wrote the infamous ‘I’m looking to still be in charge in 2030’ prophecy for Boris, shortly before the inevitable?
you might at least try a quatrain - [a what-train someone asks and which platform?]

A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes.
Divine splendour; the god sits nearby.
and the voices by Lac leman....

deffo predicts the demise of the EU

[OK two quatrains conflated. [ what two trains, and when do they leave? an AB wordsmith quips and then like the Dormouse lapses back t sleep]]

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