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About Those Trade Deals….

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FatticusInch | 08:31 Tue 20th Sep 2022 | News
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that Boris promised was a big bonus of Brexit…..

Why aren’t there any negotiations in place? Didn’t the former Minister for Brexit Opportunities get anything moving?
As predicted by her own, is Truss already scuppered before she’s even set sail?


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Can you show us your homework, Naomi, or has the dog eaten it?
17:10 Tue 20th Sep 2022
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//Time to stop chucking at the fan hoping somethings sticks.//

That’s the problem, nothing is sticking……but the Brexit Mushroom questions surrounding bovine excrement certainly remain relevant.
we have a trade deal with Indiana but that seems to be about all. The only trade deal that seems to have come into force so far is with Singapore.

// There’s been a change of president since then. You need to swot up on your history homework. //

And so do you.
The Brexit referendum took place when Obama was President, and Cameron was PM. Promises made about trade deals after we leave the EU were made in 2016. Since then we have had Trump and now Biden, and after Cameron we have had May, Johnson and now Truss.

We threw away a perfectly adequate trade in 2016 and have since squandered six years on not replacing it.
Gromit, I’ve done my homework.
Are you saying 'Back of the queue Barry' wanted a trade deal, gromit?
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//Gromit, I’ve done my homework.//

……but failed to show the workings-out, as per.
Why would I? You know it all … allegedly. :o)
I want to see a time when people can buy 2 ozs of cheese and a lb of potatoes.
That'll be a tangible benefit of Brexit.
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//Why would I?//

Because you have none, again as per.
I’m just asking the basic question of why there are no US trade deals in the offing despite it being a major benefit of Brexit(allegedly).
You supposedly know why but won’t or rather can’t point it out.
Do tell!?
and you'll be able to hide your light under a bushel once again, sandyRoe, instead of a 30-litre bucket.
// Barack Obama has warned that the UK would be at the “back of the queue” in any trade deal with the US if the country chose to leave the EU, as he made an emotional plea to Britons to vote for staying in. //

Six years of inactivity and no deal shows that Obama’s warning was prophetic.
Funnily enough, Sandy, that's the weekly allowance on the coming EU ration card.
Also in the legacy inherited from The EX P/M Johnson.
The UK is cut off from the rest of Europe by Brexit.
There is no properly functioning NHS.
The cost of living is out of control .There is a crisis in the availability , supply , and delivery of goods.
Travel by land rail air and sea are in chaos. There are strikes in dozens of sectors from Judiciary.,,,Postal workers,airline staff ,nurses and even teachers.
Murder and knife crime has risen .Waiting time for ambulances ,hospital beds, dental treatment, passports driving licences has reached unimaginable levels. All this was swapped for the return of the crown on a pint glass, and Sovereign Sandwich.
This Indiana trade deal, does it involve a temple of doom?
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//I want to see a time when people can buy 2 ozs of cheese and a lb of potatoes.
That'll be a tangible benefit of Brexit.//

Luckily we’ve got the right person in charge for that, fromage is her specialised subject.
Though before long I’ve a feeling she’ll be Swiss cheese.
Reports suggest all holes have been examined.
Fatticusinch, I told you why earlier when I said there’s been a change of presidents - and if you’re too slow to cotton on to that take my advice and do your homework.
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Lol, so contingency plans covering a change of leadership wouldn’t have been included in any trade deals then?!
Suspicions confirmed, you really don’t have any idea why they’re not going ahead.
FCI @ 12.34 Spot on . The UK needs a new start . Especially now The Queen has gone. It's time to get rid of the Con Party.... Now !
You'd give anybody gruyere, Fatticus.
I'm here all week (hopefully)

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