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Giving your child a really common name.

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Le Chat | 20:01 Thu 13th Oct 2011 | Family & Relationships
116 Answers
In son no1's class, there are 6 (you read that right!) boys called Matthew. He is 15. In son no 2's class there are 3 boys called Cameron and 3 girls called Emily. (He is 7.)
I was wondering why parents call their children names that are really common and therefore no longer individual?


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I know someone named Kylie... long before Minogue was famous. Irish/Celtic in origin I think.
Luca is just Luke with an Italian and Romanian spelling.

That is why it is very common in the Roman Catholic Italy.
better than silly names like Bluebell or Sugarplum (IMO)
There's a variation of my name on Film4 now; I've not come across anyone with the name before
There are two Dylans in our locality. I can't imagine they were named after Thomas or Bob.
More likely the Magic Roundabout.
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Maybe. But I haven't heard any mothers calling Zebedee or Florence in for their tea
This is the truth - although few people who are not from the town ever believe it. A local family have the surname D**k (shortening for Richard) and they have a son and daughter whom they named Everard and Ophelia!

Anyone from my town will verify that as everyone knows them, although I'm sure most other people wouldn't believe it.
Andy, I knew a police detective, (now retired) called Richard Dick.
He was known as Dick Dick Dick
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Blanket is just a nickname...
Sometimes parents just don't think.We used to have a very good friend now sadly deceased called Robert Sole.
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My pals cousin is Iona Hatt............
I have some friends, brothers, Willy and Johnny....we used to snigger about that when we were younger...
Did he have a coach firm in the 70s Paddy? There was a local firm here who had 'R. Soles Coaches' on the back of their vehicles until they eventually changed it. (This is a wierd town!)
My first interview when I was 17 was with a local bank. I noticed the name on the manager's door which said 'I. Foot - Manager'. I presumed his name was Ian.

I then got through the interview (conducted by someone else) and had a second interview in Oxford with the Area Manager. When he asked me where I was from he said "Oh yes, we have a branch there. The manager's a man by the name of what's his name.......oh yes! Ivor Foot!" Being a very nervous and giggly teenager I laughed so much for about three minutes that I obviously never got the job! The Area Manager just sat looking at me.
No Andy, like me he came from a long line of pit rats.
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Giving your child a really common name.

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