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Giving your child a really common name.

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Le Chat | 20:01 Thu 13th Oct 2011 | Family & Relationships
116 Answers
In son no1's class, there are 6 (you read that right!) boys called Matthew. He is 15. In son no 2's class there are 3 boys called Cameron and 3 girls called Emily. (He is 7.)
I was wondering why parents call their children names that are really common and therefore no longer individual?


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AYG - what's 'towhead'?
I was the only Erin at both primary and secondary school. When I was younger I hated it cos I couldn't get a nickname!! I do love it now and it has become very popular over the years.
And it came from nowhere really.. my mum and dad were struggling to find a name when one night a re-run of Happy Days was on. So I have Erin Moran (Joanie) to thank for my name :) lol..
My brother also had quite an uncommon name. He was named after Keith Moon :) lol x
Isn't common just another word for popular?

The most common boys' name is now Oliver.
I was going to be either a Rosemary or a Caroline. What they came up with really does not suit my marital surname.
I liked Oliver for thing 2, but if it was shortened to Ollie it would have rhymed with our eldest daughter's name (Molly - obviously).
Wait 5 years and there will be five sevens in P1
I like manly names for boys, ones that when they grow up, it suits them
I love the name Oliver.. but have always loved Jack and James which are really popular too. I will just have to have three boys so that I can use them all!! haha :)
Isn't it much better than some of the stupid names some parents choose for their children? Many parents seem to name a child in the same way they would name a pet. However, a person is only a child for a few years, they have to go through life for the next 70 or so as an adult with the name their parents bestow.

At least we aren't as bad as many Americans who now seem to use surnames for first names. Some examples I've heard are Tucker, Tupper, Parker, Taylor, Mackenzie, Madison. Then they have first names such as Sky, Angel, Misti, Brandi - I've known three dogs called that!

A child really should be given a decent name they can be proud to carry through the rest of their life.
Hi Erin, have a Jack too and one of them has James as a middle name - you'll have to have loads and then you can use all your favourite names for their first and second names.
Sherrard towheads are white blond haired people, only the Ashley in question had dirty blond scraggy hair.
I really like the name Taylor actually... for a boy though. My friend named her baby boy Kenley. I wasn't a fan of that :|
They seemed to be a lot of Anthony's' (sometimes without the 'H') mostly shortened to Tony and Sarah's whilst I was at school. not just my class but my years throughout.

I agree that the made-up ones are somewhat chavvy and numb to me, each to their own though.
I don't know alba Caroline Albaqwerty doesn't sound bad. My middle name is Valerie and I always wished I'd used that instead.
I was one of 5 Karens in my class, but strangely I don't know anyone else called Karen now - not in real life anyway :)
I really wanted to called our son Joshua(the only boys name i have always liked) but his dad was dead set against it and we couldn't agree on any name but finally i came up with Matthew...and Matthew as it turns out is not all that common in our parts anyway. He is the only one in his primary school. :O)
I'm glad i'm not the only one who cringes at the trend for individual names. it is as someone has already said almost like the child is given names you would give a pet. i hope the trend comes round to more traditional names again soon.
Had I been born male would have been Glyndwr. (Not a name chosen for my son.)
My (half) sister is called Caru (think it means love).
What happened to all the Kylies and Jasons from a few years back? Have they all changed their names by deed poll?
My step brother is called Jason.....Not after Donovon though.

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Giving your child a really common name.

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