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Giving your child a really common name.

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Le Chat | 20:01 Thu 13th Oct 2011 | Family & Relationships
116 Answers
In son no1's class, there are 6 (you read that right!) boys called Matthew. He is 15. In son no 2's class there are 3 boys called Cameron and 3 girls called Emily. (He is 7.)
I was wondering why parents call their children names that are really common and therefore no longer individual?


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JTH, that's like the "Four Marys" in the Bunty magazine. I'm showing my age.
I think you can tell which decade you were born in from your name.
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redhelen - Common as in 'used alot'. That's just a fact isn't it? I actually toyed with the name Matthew as I like it very much but then found out that lots of other parents were calling their sons Matthew.
I am just asking the question, no hidden agenda.
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Chrissa - I remember the 4 Marys!!
Nobody but my mother and a couple of aunties ever called me by my first name I was always Paddy to friends and Paddywak to family as my middle name is Pádraig and right from day one my sisters apparently used to sing the old Nik Nak song to me
Luca is used quite common in england, i know of four of them, all under 10.
My grandad's are Chestnut and Bartholomew :-)
The names might be common now, but at one time they were simply popular.
Give me a traditional name anyday.
I know of a baby called Prada, and twin boys called Merlin and Raven (both of whom have strong Yorkshire accents...."ey up oor Merlin")
Some of the old names seem to be coming back, Dorothy, Emily, Laura.
me too mrs. o. we all have ordinary, traditional names which won't date.
I really liked the name Britany when I was a child, I thought it sounded a bit posh... how times have changed!
when I was eight, I wanted to call my second daughter Gloria... I'm glad I didn't have a second daughter.
I was nearly called Hilary because my sister is called Valerie.
That's a Victoria Wood sketch......Hilary and Valerie Mallory........LoL
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ethandron - Yes, you are quite right. I have heard that there are a few Luca's around and they are quite young. Perhaps I started something!! lol
boxtops - I think Goria is a lovely name.
I find it hard when someone calls their daughter a very dainty flowery name, and they turn out a chunky person.
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I was named by the midwife as my mum didn't have a name for me.
people like similar things I suppose, in the big scheme of things once they have left school and grown up the name becomes more individual again.
I do Jack though I like it :)

It was Emma, Claire, Tracy, Helen, Rebecca, Katie/Kate, Joanne, Donna etc... when I was at school.

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