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I've just ordered Kate McCann's book "Madeleine".

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ladybirder | 22:06 Sat 07th May 2011 | Books & Authors
128 Answers
Is anybody else going to buy it?


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No I won't be buying the book, and I'm surprised it's the Sun she's agreed to have it serialised in.

However - pink kittens I think your remark that she is a 'disgusting woman' disgusting in itself. She has been through the worst thing imaginable, and is still going through it. Is she really doing so wrong, as a mother in turmoil, by wanting to keep her...
09:30 Mon 09th May 2011
Doesnt matter how much money they still need/want too make to 'fund' this, but its too late now, and I for one wont be 'funding' their mortgage payments.
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Kate has said all the money from the sale of the book is going into the "Find Madeleine Fund" PP.
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another money grabbing exercise for her
colin you are right........they gagged that too
I certainly won't buy it
it is going to be all over the place this next few weeks, it's embargoed til thursday but i was asked loads for it at work yesterday. in the last 2 weeks lots of window POS has been sent into stores but i know several managers will not be using it in the window, though the larger POS posters have to be used as they cover all offers. it's not going down too well at all.
I`m surprised Kate McCann has written a book. The McCanns have done so many interviews over the last few years that I am surprised there is anything else to say.
POS posters ?
apparently JK Rowling has helped her write this, so someone at work told me, one guy came in with his small son yesterday and asked me if we had 'the mccann book' that sounded so awful but i just told him it wasn't out til thursday, he said i was wrong and he knew it was already out, i didn't reply, he was a knob jhead
point of sale
*Point of Sale
You could have gotten it at the library ladybirder.
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treetops it's not out til thursday
There`s a waiting list already for it Dotty,
can you buy it in Morocco? Probably signed by the kidnapper........
I've just looked at the website for The Truth of the Lie - interesting reading http://joana-morais.b...-lie-documentary.html
good job she didnt mislay the manuscripts.......obviously took better care of it
No, I find the idea of a book crass.
and i think i had better leave it at that .

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