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rov1200 Alastair Campbell giving evidence today on Iraq war did not sex up the dossier. John Scarlett did not intend the dossier to mean 45minutes to hit Cyprus...
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Is there a case for having the latest replies to a posting put on top of the stack and pushed down? Some well known sites do exactly this. In fact this procedure is followed where the newest question...
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What signifies a local call, is it with the same dialling code, all the numbers contained in your telephone directory, a radius of so many miles from your telephone or what?
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The Law Lords have over-ruled the judges in allowing sham marriages to recommence. Is the law now an ass?
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We have one of those doorbells that give 9 different tunes from which you can choose. We had set the one we liked. It is wireless operated. Later the doorbell rang but the tune was different from that...
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When did this change abruptly to climate change? Nothing to do with the cold weather is it?
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rov1200 Our politicians are saying that this latest suicide bomber was radicalised in Yemen to carry out the work of Al Qaeda. However what made him go to Yemen...
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rov1200 Should they also be respected?...
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Has anyone suffered from the printhead on a Kodak printer and how did you overcome it? All the written possible solutions have been tried without success.
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rov1200 Is the Maglev system being considered for this line? We invented the principle! It goes at up to 320mph! It should create less noise shouln't it as it runs on...
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Where will it all stop? It only proves Al Qaeda is a global organisation and having troops in Aghanistan is just like chasing shadows. Wouldn't it be better to bring our troops home and attack the...
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If I changed my ISP but wanted to keep the same router what data needs to be changed in the router
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Is there anything in the Koran to tell you to blow yourself up so that you end up like pieces of meat from a butchers shop in order to further your religion. A few years cults have to go through a...
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What part of evolution ensured that our planet is so finely balanced that an increase in Co2 created instability or global warming?
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Yet another British based immigrant linked to al Queda turns out to be a terrorist. Where have we gone wrong? http://www.telegraph....ine-bomb-attempt.html...
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Couple live together unmarried. Girl has baby. Father goes walkies and never returns. What are the steps required to get maintenance for the baby?
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Should my ABS brakes make a heavy metallic rattle when applied. If not what could be the cause of the problem?
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Snow woe eased by dustbin lorries ///Published: December 23 2009 02:00 | Last updated: December 23 2009 02:00 From Mr Robin Buller. Sir, Given the chaos created by snow in the UK (too fluffy), perhaps...
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Will this new scheme help to cut the council tax? http://www.telegraph....y-Council-Tories.html...
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How much do volcano eruptions contribute to global warming?

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