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I like my toast well done but 50% of the time it comes out burnt as its impossible to see the progress unless continuously popping it up. Do they produce toasters with see through sides. I would have...
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The Met arrested 1200 people using stop and search powers but now there is an objection to this method. Should we stop this practice and allow a minority of the population who may be terrorists,...
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Since I installed AVG my desktop has run considerably slower. Is there a conflict between between the virus checking and validation and what needs to be done so that the power of both Windows and AVG...
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Chinas one child policy has kept the countrys population to 1.3 billion. On a smaller scale the UK is going to reach 70 million in a decade if left unchecked which some say is unsustainable. With a...
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How do you either get rid or alleviate a persistant cough that has dragged on for months. A non smoker. Takes ACE inhibitor BP tablets but recently changed because of side affects. Has seen doctor who...
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Are they any good for scaring cats or dogs from defacating on your property?
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When there are 2 remaining amounts on the board how does the banker decide what the offer is or would have been? Is there a formula involved? Tonight's show had two amounts left: ?15,000 and ?250000....
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Is this a way to get free energy? stm
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With New Labours plan to get 50% of students into higher education are we set to produce too many unemployed graduates and is this the first results of the policy?...
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Ever since the birth of Christ there have been many wars, bigots who assume their religion is best, countless millions dying in the cause and lack of understanding on all sides. If true that Christ...
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How much does the average male store in body salt? Also if depleted the minimum that could preserve life?
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With the bank rate being reduced to just 1.5% why does it cost the consumer so much more to take out a debt? Figues published by a comparison website: Loans: 8% Credit cards: 16% Mortgage: 5%
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rov1200 .stm Has Blair helped to make the world a safer place and does he deserve this medal in the cause of freedom?
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Is the policy in Afghanistan really working? Every day or two a soldier is killed by the Taliban. Could we take a lesson from the Israeli military? That is where a known suspect is living to blast a...
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rov1200 With hundreds of detainees to be released shortly and their own country refusing to take them back should we help the US by allowing them the right to come to...
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The majority of goods bought by the British consumer come from abroad, especially the pricier items. Just take cars, white goods, computer hardware and software, what percentage are made here? If the...
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Just recently the hot water coming from the taps is quite hot although we have set the programmer to CH only. What is the likely cause? There is a diverter valve in the system, could this be causing...
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Will the current Flu Jab protect you from the flu epidemic going the rounds. My Doctors surgery was completely full with patients wanting a cure for their flu.
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Over the past week we have caught 6 mice in a trap. On many occasions the trap has travelled 1 to 2 metres away from where its put. These traps are readily available in DIY stores. I always thought...
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Do all man made objects blasted off from Earth orbit clockwise or anticlockwise? Have any collided?

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