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Please can some help me out?? I get the most awful PMT - i turn into this crazy bitch (most of the time i'm just a bitch lol!!!) Its to the point i cry at EVERYTHING, strat agrguments basically out of...
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As a painkiller, what is more effective, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen?
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i have resigned from my post last friday following a grievance procedure made against my boss for bullying/harrassing me. Everything was denied by the management of course and instead they decided...
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Hi Folks, Well update on new man - its going great ! Fantastic ! - His family are lovely, he is still treating me like a princess...I have spent most of the week at his house, he has given me keys to...
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Well i am still pushing on in my job in retail managment but really finding it very difficult esp doing a lot of late shifts and not seeing my girlfriend very much. I am now considering handing mhy...
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Okay, this may be slightly hard to explain & everyone will most likely get the wrong idea about what I am saying but I'll say anyway. My girlfriend appears to be acting very distant lately. Almost as...
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I'm sure this question has been asked in various forms before but if you had to spend the rest of your life stranded on a desert island with all the food and water in plentiful supply and you were...
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I would like to see how many people out there would describe them selves honestly, here on the ab? We are all unknowns except for our pen names, so how can it hurt? I always try to imagine what sort...
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Are GHD hair straighteners worth the money and do they protect the hair better than cheaper makes?
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I have a proper wood floor (planks, not laminate) and I have family coming to stay next week. I want to polish it so it looks nice but have only just moved into the house and don't know what to use! I...
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I have had a very bad evening, my children were playing out in the garden when a bunch of yobs started hurling stones at us, we gave them a mouthful and they gave us a load of abuse and laughed at us....
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Can you buy stuff that you put into a vase of flowers, into the water, that will keep them looking fresh and healthy for longer?
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got a karcher 411a power washer had it about 5 years and using it yesterday it just lost it's pressure down to a third and not making very healthy noises any body suffered similar problems? are they...
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Hi, has anyone tried the Sheer cover products. As shown on shopping channel If so, what did you think about them? Where they worth the money? Thanks
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my hairs not in the worst condition (i dont straighten it and i use a conditioner every time i wash it), but its looking a bit dry and lack lustre. has anybody tried any products that are good for...
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neha trivedi
hi friends,im having blackspots on my cheecks it came bcoz of pimples i applied so many oinments ,home made resolutions but still its remaining t same from t past one month i dont know wat 2 do,i feel...
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How come gay men can relate so well with women ? There are couple of them that work where i work and i always see them surrounded with women laughing and chatting, and really bonding with them. Are...
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руддщ акщь Кгыышфб рщц фку нщг...
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paul 1
hi. girlfriend moved in about 2 years ago, she german. to the point, she wanted to start a family and i said ok but wait about 18 months. she fell pregnent nov 06 by coming of the pill with out...
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Read this in mondays daily mirror and i was toitally shocked.A middle class man , millionaire , and yet he could do this to a little girl?I f he is indeed guilty i hope he gets the sh!t beaten outta...

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