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struggling today 16d joining one thing to another(9) - - - - - - R-T 19a the bursting open of seed vessels etc to discharge their mature contents(bot) (10) - - - I- - - - - E 13d a condition whose...
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me and my separated wife have a jouint bank account .she as removed her name off it ,to do this i was told she had to get my signiture to do this i have not signed any thing so she must of forged it....
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me amd my boyfriend dont know what to do tonight. we usually go out for a meal every sat night but fancy doing something different tonight. we dont feel like a night out and have been to the cinema...
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Waterboatman's thread has disappeared - bet he's been overposting again! So morning once again everyone xxx
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my boyfriend keeps calling me a different name during normal conversation, it is the same name each time. any advice ????
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Is that his mouth when he sings if i ruled the world, or is it computer doctored? my husband thinks it is not his mouth, i say it is. What do you think??
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what is the best reasonably cheap way to develop really soft skin? - Anybody
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i have quite bad acne scars, can anyone recommend a good treatment?
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well my wife today has just found out that she is going to have a boy. I am actually really dissappointed and now not looking forward to it at all. I just cant imagine having a son and never ever...
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terambulan never called for eggs - can I eat them?
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hi my friend has a little girl who is nearly 2, her and the childs father split bout 12 months ago. she is now in a stable relationship and her and her new partner have been offered a great...
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ok guys currently having a debate with the boyfriend on this subject and i would like the opinion of the rest of you...... At an interview if you were the employer and i were the employee and i showed...
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is there a word for someone, who, against all evidence, believes that the opposite is true. I.E. Someone who believes the earth is flat, even though all evidence proves it is round.
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Scothern 20
I have 12 advert phrases. Can anyone help, please. 1. I'm meaty try me 2. Try something mnew today 3. Because you're worth it. (I think it's L/Oreal) 4. Wasssssup 5. ...and on.... and on.... 6. Let's...
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Was out tonight. Who got the chopper?

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