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Weekly Food Bill.

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Georgiesmum | 23:20 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
How much a week do you expect to spend on your weekly food bill?


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About £100 but I have 3 or 4 men to feed.
I don't know how much just for food. I draw £150 out of the bank every week and that buys all household stuff, that's for family of 4 (big eaters).
Same as you Rocky. I try to stick to £150 for everything. Sometimes I fail :-)
Lol, some weeks I do really well, others are a disaster. I have a bit of help on my side though as I don't have to do dinner on a sunday so I should manage, I've tried cutting back a bit more but it's not happening :)

I make loads of plans about where I'll shop (Wilkos is brilliant) I do it for 1 week and then seem to forget all these plans I make :-)
Ha, you're the same as me, one problem I have is all the cheaper shops bar Lidl's which I just can't use (looks like a jumble sale) are a about 8-9 miles away and a parking fee so it's not economical. I try to stock up when I go but just tend to use more of it because I've got loads!
I spend about £70/80 online for a Tesco home delivery for all stuff apart from fresh fruit and veg, and bread. Then top up mid week with couple of trips to Sainsburys and Lidl as I drive right pass them. So about the same amount as you I reckon.
You're better than me. Aldi, lidl, wilko are just a 5 minute drive away and have free parking. (so lazy)
I have a new Lidl about 300 metres from my house so if we need anything mid week one of us can just walk there in a minute or two - very handy.
About 100€ for 3 of us.
I spend around £80 per week at Aldi (2 adults 1 teenager) on food/ cleaning products and wine/beer £ 25 on meat from the farm shop then top up at our local village co-op -bread milk etc midweek so about £125. In the summer I spend very little on veg as we grow it all -have hens for eggs so food bill goes down substantially. Everything we eat is made from scratch but I really don't think i save much money this way.
£60 a week on food.

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