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feeling so miserable....

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fredkins | 02:16 Thu 09th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
How would you feel if You were so taken for granted,I am so p***ed off with my OH at the moment,I can not even go into the details.


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>>>I can not even go into the details

Er, that makes discussion rather difficult, Fredkins!

Anyway I'm off to bed now but I'll leave you with the video that always cheers me up when I'm feeling a bit low. I hope that you're feeling happier soon.
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Hi High, I seem to give it and they seem to take it all, that's not fair is it.
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Hi fred.... Sorry you are feeling this way!

Can you chat to your OH? Or be cheeky and do less than you do and show how much you actually do!!!!!

Hugs from me xxx
You any better fredkins xx

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feeling so miserable....

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