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Bacon Jam

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Caran | 00:31 Sat 21st Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I know this shoukld be in food but not much action there. Has anyone tried this. I have ordered some but not being delivered until mid next week.


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never heard of it caran!........where did you find it?.......and what is it!..........
ugh - sounds disgusting!
Is it like Toast Toppers from my youth? :)
A good alternative to no bacon for sarnies is bacon crisps.
Looks and sounds yummy
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Saw it mentioned in a newspaper so googled it, we like marmite so thought it might be ok. Bought it from Virtual Farmers Market- Marcus Carter. After placing the order he emailed me and said due to him and his wife adopting a baby boy that day would I mind if he didn't send it until next week. He even sent me a photo of said child - beautiful baby.
toast toppers. yuk !

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