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Lady's Fingers....

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Bbbananas | 08:42 Fri 07th May 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Anyone used these? What do they taste of?

I've been recommended to use them in a morroccan tagine - but am a little dubious....


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Okay ...

Things that I have never, ever bought ... ever !

1. Ladies' fingers (the sponge things)

2. Ladies' fingers (the vegetable things)

3. A fan belt
They're like marmite you either hate them or love them!!

They can be slimy and they are not a vegetable I go overboard for.

To see if they are ripe, you just break the tips off. They should break easily.

If you have to use force, then they're gonna cook up tough and stringy.
Just don't eat them on their own; put them into a 'saucey' dish. On their own they're like trying to eat snot!

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Lady's Fingers....

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