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Well I'm Off

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teacake44 | 12:56 Tue 06th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Had my little fill of AB for now, off to the supermarket to hunt down some yellow tickets :)


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TC ... back in the days of the Russian Empire, "Yellow Tickets" were official certificates issued to Russian prostitutes. A sort of ID. As your gender is "not set", I won't speculate as to which side of the "transaction" you may come down on ;o)))))
13:05 Tue 06th Aug 2019
Aaaargh. Just as I'd hoped to engage you on the Dam thread too.
I sincerely hope you'll reconsider Teacake, just don't respond to those you feel are goading you ,just treat them with indifference , I'm sorry to see you go
I think she means just for today, Bobbi.
don't think it's a flounce considering the smiley face

Drat - for one moment my spirits were lifted ...
Ael, that's good, but what yellow tickets is Teacake going after?
Hope you bag a bargain.
TC ... back in the days of the Russian Empire, "Yellow Tickets" were official certificates issued to Russian prostitutes. A sort of ID.

As your gender is "not set", I won't speculate as to which side of the "transaction" you may come down on ;o)))))
Sorry, Sunny. Business as usual I deduce.
Mmm, would that be yellow tickets as in reduced stuff?
I think the OP self identifies as 'baked goods', Mr Builder
A good move teacake, always positive to step away for a wee while . ;*)
i'm guessing that yellow tickets are on goods at a reduced price because they are about to go out of date

'They' would be in the bread aisle up here, sunny.

(note the use of non binary gender-neutral pronoun - I suggest we all show teacake some respect and adopt it until they clarify)
In that case happy shopping TC, I've a friend that does this every night around 6 pm at her local Supermarket , the staff refer to her as Mrs Markdown but she knows it and takes it in good fun

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