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The Devil

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naomi24 | 19:01 Wed 04th Apr 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
29 Answers
If god created everything, it follows he created the devil too. Why doesn't god just do away with him and cure all the troubles of the world in one hit? No devil = no sinners = no problems. Seems a simple solution.


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The Devil's a pussy cat compared to the true purveyors of evil, ie religion, so if Big G can disappear up his own gearbox and take all the nutters with him the world would be a much nicer place.
The Devil is a fallen Angel, so your right naomi, God did create him, however, in the Old Testament, in the book of Ench I believe, there was a belief that there was no Devil, God was both good and Evil.

One example being, God was displeased with the Jew, so he sent a pestilance the killed seventy thousand men, women and children. Seventy Thousand, dead, on a whim, and thats only a small part of it.

The devil. lol. what a cop out..
you screw something up in life and its old horny's fault.Not your fault for being a walley.Oh no.The devil had a hand in it, beelzebub himself made you do it.
Ridiculous.Just as ridiculous as believing that God gives you all good things.Life can be good and life can be sht.God and the devil don't come into it.
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Lonnie, the Book of Enoch wasn't included in the old testament - I think that one was just too much for the church to cope with. Didn't quite fit the bill.

Wiz, Drat .... wish I'd have thought of it before. If I'd have been a bit more crafty, I could have blamed the devil for everything. I mean, honestly, it just has to be his fault that I'm an adultress, doesn't it. I was weak and easily led, wasn't I?
Seems more reasonable to presume that it was the devil who create god�
Who says the Devil is the bad one, we have only got the word of a couple of nutters in stupid hats. He could be the good one, God is the one who likes punishing, he's the one with the bad temper and narrow mindedness.
Its worth pointing out that in the bible there is not one recorded case of the devil killing anyone.
God killed millions.
If God created supposedly created us then he (or it) created the flaws within our being.
Are morals taught or inherent?
Why do humans do wrong?
Is it an animal trait?
Why do some humans still feel it necessary to kill for sport? What does it prove?
Is it a misconceived hierarchy of being?
To have power.
If we were given an ultimatum by people from another planet or a God stating that earth will be destroyed tomorrow with all of us on it, no survival of the fittest,fastest or wealthiest, would it halt all our wrongdoings before the big bang?
Would we be able to keep a promise with the threat of extinction?
Maybe it is a test, how far can we go as a creation.
Maybe those that created us threw some bad seeds in the mix just to see how fast they'd spread.
Perhaps God threw in sin to make him and Jesus look good.
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Mmmmm ..... there's more to this than meets the eye, that's for sure.

And where are all the Christians? No word from any of them. Wonder why?
Good Morning naomi, Perhaps all the Christians are comparing notes.
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Luna, maybe they are. Odd how they duck out of awkward questions though, isn't it. Several have been posted recently, but they've made no response to them.
No disrespect to anyone but in my naivety, sometimes I haven't got a clue what people are talking about and literally have to look up all the info I can find when posed with a question. I am genuinely interested in the subjects of religion and spirituality and many other things but sometimes lack the knowledge to give a useful response......Pop Idol, Here I Come!!!
Oh dear, I've done it again. I didn't mean I didn't know what your question meant.
Time to call it a day I think.
Got to go with Wizard I think. Incidently my handle on here is not Ironic given the thread, it's just one of those things.
The Devil is, along with God (or The Almighty no matter what name you give your chosen divine being) one of those things you believe in or not.
One does go hand in hand with the other, if one exists so does the other. However, it still does not give you the exscuse of not having free thought, action or will. So next time you feel like taking out, taxi drivers/ infidels/everyone at your work place, you can't say the Devil made you do it.. ...You're just plain nuts!
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Potter, I don't agree that if there's a god there must be a devil. If there is a god, it's not the bloke the Christians bang on about - it's a lot bigger than that. I don't believe there's a devil - that's something created by man to frighten the life out of the natives and keep them in their place!
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Still no word from the Christians. Wonder why?

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