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The Devil

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naomi24 | 19:01 Wed 04th Apr 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
29 Answers
If god created everything, it follows he created the devil too. Why doesn't god just do away with him and cure all the troubles of the world in one hit? No devil = no sinners = no problems. Seems a simple solution.


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naomi...maybe they have all been raptured. Give us lot a break if they have...
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Wiz, a simple enough question, but maybe so simple it's just a little bit too difficult, eh?
The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.
No trick involved clairey. The devil is about as real as rocking horse sh!t.
(or the tooth fairy, easter bunny or santa claus)
get used to it.
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Clairey-s, if he were real, it's more likely his greatest trick would have been to create religion.
Interesting thread. I'm an unraptured christian - just got back from skiing and am sitting ill on my sofa reading random blogs! Cool to find some people who think the way I do.
Naomi - I reckon you've answered your own question. ''God is not the bloke christians bang on about... he is much bigger than that.'' A simple solution does not fit a complex world with an infinately more complex creator.

My experience of God leads me to believe he is good and love- this is hard amoungst the OT stories. My experience of mankind leads me to believe that most of the problems in this world are the result of our own actions - through ignorance or selfishness - personifying this into a devil character with horns and a fork is a convenient religiousism.
Maybe God is curing the world of its problems- not in one hit, but in progressive, organic regeneration (post modern bs) through people, cultures, generations. As a gardener nurtures a sapling through blackfly to become a strong tree, as a dad lets go of their child's bike and watches them graze their knees so they may learn to ride by themselves.
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Hello londonboi, thanks for your answer. I agree with you to some extent but I don't look for god in the bible because he isn't there. I don't believe the god of the bible is god, or good - he's something entirely different.
How do you perceive God?
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If there is a god, it's something we can't even begin to imagine. My perception of god is more as the spirit of the universe and of nature, not a selfish, arrogant and cruel entity who thinks only of the people on this tiny speck of dust we call home.

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