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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Poor Ozzy, hope they sort his eye out.

Yes always theories, I just wait until the truth emerges, which hopefully will happen.
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Oh well the sun didn't last long .It's turned hazy here too.
I hope they can fix Ozzys eye Robinia .It must be very uncomfortable for him.
It's bad enough being bleary eyed of a morning let alone all the time .
whenever my eyes go down under they seem to see things differently and my glasses often haven't worked. I can only suppose it's pressure on the brain from walking upside down. Well, hot and sunny out there, and the clocks have all changed, it's enough to cause blinkus of the thinkus.
good morning all (am still on GMT) Sending good thoughts for Ozzy's eye, I am constantly amazed at what can be done now. Dogs were up all night hunting the garden so we are going to have a lazy day. We were going to town but CBA.
Just back from paella lunch which was extra delicious today, I did espy a rabbit joint so nibbled it, tastes just like chicken, mind you I didnt eat anymore of it. It was packed full of assorted meats today with king prawns and crabs legs, I much prefer just the rice so was difficult to get at the rice. Back in bed now with a hot water bottle on my neck/shoulder, no dancing the light fantastic for us today! Just feel that 1 degree under.
the summer only lasted a couple of hours here, now we're back down to more Ibiza-like temperatures. All the washing's dry, though, first time I've put anything out on the main line on the lawn (as opposed to the one under the awning) since about October.
My washing has been out on the patio since yesterday, nothing important, and I cba to get it in.

Fell asleep and have broken one of the arms off my glasses, so am now being like jno and seeing everything lopsided!!
We've had our first decent spring day here.
I hope you made good use of it woofy, I hope you leapt like a gazelle and frollicked with the dogs hither and thither!
I frolicked hither and thither with a vacuum cleaner and a duster!
Haha just watching Endeavour.

Oight oight
me too, vidded it, oight oight

urgh waiting at dentist.
oh dear, my heart goes out to you, neti.... possibly several teeth too... I have another root canal on Wednesday and had to pass up a ticket to prime minister's question time, which would have been more fun.
close call there jno. I am going to postpone my dental appointments (hygienist and check up because I have got too much else happening and the brain won't cope.
Fat lot of good that dentist is, he's national health ergo does nothing! Looking and poked about, says there maybe a cavity between two teeth but his x-ray machine isn't working (translates, you have to go private and pay!) but to continue with the's for a week,(and here I feel like a horse, my teeth aren't bad for my age. So still can't afford a dentist here, so will suffer in silence.

Cold a bit worse today but manageable.

Hope the rest of you are OK and up to speed! Poor jno, have you got any original bits left of your teeth?
Am watching Loose women, don't like it but now I can get it!!
Why is it than one's hair looks a right mess until one makes an appointment to have it chiselled and then lo and behold (again) it suddenly looks fab and just how one wants it???
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Hello all
Not a bad day .Very mild but cloudy . Oh Neti ..I got up late and then realised I had appt for my hair this morning . Talk about panic stations but I made it !
Hope all you biddies are all ok .
so shaney bet you are looking swish now, have you plonked on the tiara?

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