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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
I just make work for myself. I bought an energy saving bulb for a lamp and before I out it in I cleaned the lamp and decided the shade needed replacing. Off I went to B & Q and then Dunelm. Found one in D and went home. Not happy with that one so had to take it back and get another one which was better. Took the old one as well this time to make sure the colour was right. All in all it took me a couple of hours.
Hope you're feeling better now Neti.
I'm still feeling nauseous now a again. I'll just keep taking the tablets I expect like yer do!
Off to make a cottage pie now. Hoping I fancy it when it's done!
good bit of energy-saving there, Jude!
Lol Jno! Hope your eyes are getting better now.
jude you are like my takes her three separate shop visits to buy ANYTHING. have been out to my favourite craft shop and spent too much then home via the vets to collect a year's supply of wormer for the dogs and their anti tick collars...there's 90 quid I won't see again. I pay extra for the wormer because its the palatable one so i don't have to struggle to get them to swallow.
evening all.

Shaney I love the avatar. Dear old Shaney dog.
I'm glad I did go back now Woofy cos I like the one I've got a lot better.
I've watched my DVD of Edward Scissorhands with Johnny Depp in. I've got at least half a dozen of his films that I've bought over the years to watch. I've collected 15 altogether!
Right I'm off to bed now. Oight oight all.
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You sound lively Jude ..I just about managed to get to Morrisons .As I came out the bus was at the stop so I got on and got off at the next stop opposite mine .Morrisons is literally minutes from here :(
But on the bright side we have lots of wurst ,mustard and coffee .
Yes Neti I thought it was time he had an airing .
I've spent the evening watching Criminal Intent DVD's as there was nothing on tele. Lessons on insurance fraud and how to kill somebody with Botox.
Out tomorrow for lunch with my brothers .I'm looking forward to that .
Sleep toight lovelies .
morning all. Spent last night tossing and turning, getting up to let the dogs out and dreaming I was trying to stuff mounds of cellophane (the crunchy squeaky kind) into a waste paper basket. Go figure.
oh it never wants to stay in the bin, woofgang, it's always rustling and trying to get back out again, I can see that would make for a frustrating topic for dreams.
very true...and bits of my life don't want to "stay in the bin" right now either....maybe my subconscious is smarter than my conscious?
Good morning Biddyfriends lovely day here. Rinitidine are working and sick feeling going at last. Football today in the sunshine.
Hot cross buns for lunch then sausage and mash when I get home.
Hope you're all feeling ok and it's sunny where you are.have a good weekend whatever you're up to.
Morning ...sunny after a cold and misty start. I have dreams similar to that woofy, it's that horrible feeling of not getting things under control. I don't think I was asleep long enough to create a dream last night...I tried every hocus pocus (as my sister calls it) trick, rescue remedy, lavender oil, relaxation cd etc but nothing worked. Everything's changing at once, the weather, the time, my luck on the lotto....Oh well, think positive.
Good day folks. Am feeling very snotty and snuffly today. but great news, Mr N went on the roof and nudged the LNB of the satellite and lo and behold (I do love saying that, and tis indeed a miracle!) we now have BBC, ITV etc again, soo happy. And the companies here wanted to charge at least 100€ to do the same.

Not too cold but very windy, had to sit at another pavement cafe today as the council are digging up the main road in front of our usual place. Dust everywhere.
Neck not as painful, but I feel rather listless, may be all the pills or just the cold.
listless, yes good word, I am lacking list as well.
Listless here too...limp lettuce with leaden arms and legs describes me fairly well. The wind's bit fresh despite the sunshine...wish I felt like doing s bit of weeding but I don't.
I am feeling so cold and have absolutely no energy, so am sitting here playing on the lappy.
..............and still here playing with the lappy.
hello Neti, been running round a bit, my godson is coming to move my old bed out on tuesday night so got to be ready

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