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Mosque set fire to.

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anotheoldgit | 16:27 Tue 07th Dec 2010 | News
88 Answers

I have just come across this report.

Why is it that The Guardian seems to be the only newspaper reporting on it, is there some form of media blackout on it?

/// "Local neighbourhood police officers are meeting with members of the community to keep them informed and to address their concerns and obvious anger about this criminal incident." ///

Sad thing for anything like this to happen, and I don't condone the actions of these arsonists in any way, but what does annoy me is the fact that the Muslim community get to receive a better service from our police force, than white communities do.


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mollykins & docspock

Good posts, this is what it is all about.

We don't want to be treated better than others, all we want is equality (a level playing field)

And if the powers that be got that it in their thick heads, they would see much improvement in racial harmony.

It's the feeling of being second rate citizens in our own country that gets to us.

click on anyone's avatar ....
Touche (can't get the accent on the e though) aog.
Thanks guys....that was actually my attempt to be funny.........<sigh> ;)

touche means someone has scored a point against you and you are acknowledging it: as in fencing

However, there ARE racist crimes which garner national coverage where a white person is killed by a black/Asian.

Ben Kinsella and Kris Donald immediately spring to mind.

Ben Kinsella's murder wasn't treated as racist, but Kris' was (because of the language used by his murderers).
too-shay . . . . I tohught that's how you spelt it . . .
awww, sorry, miacat, couldn't see the twinkle in your eye from here.
molly - press "ALT GR" and e

Panels, Closeboard, Palisade, feather edge whatever.
Thats one side of it AOG, but the stephen Lawrence story above is another. Its not as simple as inequality whereby one ethnicity receives a better service, its a total lack of equality across the whole service across the country. Every area is different and has different prejudices and bias' within the institution. You can't address one without the other.....
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Ready to be educated by the AB tutor, Zeuhl?

I know what you mean, thanks.
-- answer removed --

"Exactly, because we are not encouraged to form groups and have spokespersons, because they are classed as nationalist and therefore racist"

Actually - there are thousands of groups in this country which represent specific groups. Say for instance there was an upswing of attacks on homeless people - Shelter would be contacted by the police to offer advice to those homeless people.

If you consider specific subcategories of society, there's likely to be a group to represent them.

It's almost impossible to have a single group representing (say) white Britons because the term is so diverse.

If all white Britons could be represented by a single voice, what would be the point of having General Elections - everyone would vote for the same party.

The BNP, EDL, UKIP for instance, all have varying voices and policies, as do the major parties.

However, whilst its true that Jews, Sikhs, LBGT, Asian, Muslim, Indian and blacks have various political and social leanings, there IS a common thread that they all share - an identity that links them...something that makes them readily identifiable to the wider community and which can often mean they need extra protection (thinking of the number of gay men that have been killed in the past couple of years for instance).
and homogenize out all - i.e that one incident happens in one part of the country and we are all then tainted (which ever racial/socio/politico/religious sect it happens to be in the firing line).

A tremendous amount of goodwork goes on in most communities in problem solving/communications on issues, impact assessments and all the rest and the police play their part in this. This is unsung work and so it should be. It will never be a perfect system; people are not perfect and the police are not perfec,t just like social workers, priests and all of us. So yes, biased stories and comments will be raised from time to time and rightly so to correct the wrongs. But and signalling out that one group gets preference over another is not a truism of the overall balance or that it is a pan-UK issue.
Bravo DT!
And I reiterate, this incident was a minor issue and not really that worthy of national coverage...accusations about blanket suppression of the press border on the side of hilarity on this one.
That's true sp

Age Uk is a very good organisation too.

They are particularly good at providing advice and support to people dealing with dementia, short sightedness, confusion, irritability and other age related diseases.
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The Stephen Lawrence case as a racist crime is what the Madeleine McCann case is to missing children.

Both very tragic in their own way, but hyped up considerably against all the other hundreds of similar cases.
I hardly think the Madeline Mccann case is hyped up!!

A 3 year old child disappeared, are you saying that's a regular occurence AOG?

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