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Hamas Attacks Israel......

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ToraToraTora | 08:50 Sat 07th Oct 2023 | News
134 Answers

Are they completely radio rental? Israel will respond x100.



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Barney. What part of the mantra' we will eradicate Israel off the map' do you not understand? That has long been the aim of Islamic extremists. This is Hamas playing the tough guys and murdering young women and children.They will suffer retribution for this in spades.
14:47 Sun 08th Oct 2023





Shinn Fein


Usual suspects.





Shinn Fein


Usual suspects.


Come again?

Naked woman paraded by jeering Hamas fighters (

@02.21.Have a nice day,Duggie.Im just loving all the Scottish anti-semites and Holocaust deniers on this site.I stand with Israel.

Hopefully countries housing the Hamas leaders will come to their senses and tell them to get out.  They cause this and they are no where near Gaza.  As you say it is the people of Gaza that will suffer the most as Israel's response will be much bigger than they will inflict on Israel.  

I have long held the opinion that if Israel thought they could get away with it, internationally, they would evict everyone from the Gaza Strip, put them on boats, cars, lorries and drive them into neighbouring Arab countries. I have absolutely no doubt that the Israelis would do the same to the Arabs that the Nazis did to the Jews. No doubt whatsoever.

@10.08.When do you think the evil Jews will start building death camps like Auschwitz Clarion?

I don't think they will, but I think they would if they thought they could away with it. It's the the legacy of people like Aba Covner, of the Jewish Brigade. What happened to the Jews in WW2 will never happen to them again.

You sound just like another Holocaust denier Clarion,like quite a few Scottish ABers on this site.I will leave it at that.Have a nice day.

If you think that 10ClarionSt then you don't know about the Israelis at all.  Yes they have taken some land from the Palestinians over the years though that land had nothing on it much of the time and was just wasteland.  The trouble is nearly always started by the Palestinians lobbing rockets over the wall.  Then the Israelis retaliate and the same seems to have happened this time.  The Palestinians often show bits of Gaza that have been bombed by Israel and look a mess but they don't show those same places before the bombings which were like it before.

My link clearly didn't work but the one I was trying to post shows the Palestinians for the utter inhumane animals that they are.  


I also stand with Israel.  

I'm glad you find humour in these appalling events,Oz.

Top man.

 ברוך ישראל

10c //....I have absolutely no doubt that the Israelis would do the same to the Arabs that the Nazis did to the Jews. No doubt whatsoever.//


That is an appalling thing to say.

//Yes they have taken some land from the Palestinians over the years though that land had nothing on it much of the time and was just wasteland. //


Not entirely accurate.  Palestinians were forcibly ejected from their homes and their land - that is undeniable - but whether wasteland or not, that land is the only land that will satisfy both sides.   That said, those who champion the Palestinian cause haven't considered the unthinkable implications of a Palestinian victory.  Not something anyone with a modium of common sense would want. 

Naomi, I did say nothing on it much of the time and not all the time.  Yes I do know that some Palestinians were thrown off their land.  I worked with the peace keeping force between Israel and Egypt in the early 80s and the only time we were attacked by stones being thrown at our vehicles was by Palestinians, usually children when we travelled between the 2 countries.  They have been brought up to hate any type of peace between them and so it carries on from generation to generation.

I guess we now spend millions on arms/missiles etc getting involved in yet another war, while the schools and hospitals here sink nearer to total collapse. Still food banks are flourishing in the u.k.  

Indeed shedman.  You've seen some of it first hand then.  I must say unless you know the history, the visitor could well wonder why such a scrappy bit of land is causing all this trouble.

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