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Hamas Attacks Israel......

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ToraToraTora | 08:50 Sat 07th Oct 2023 | News
134 Answers

Are they completely radio rental? Israel will respond x100.



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Barney. What part of the mantra' we will eradicate Israel off the map' do you not understand? That has long been the aim of Islamic extremists. This is Hamas playing the tough guys and murdering young women and children.They will suffer retribution for this in spades.
14:47 Sun 08th Oct 2023

very protracted, i heard some say would not be better if israel never existed in the first place and that jews should have taken that island instead, who's rights erm god said so.. or maybe the area should have stayed a neutral zone, bit late now though, cure mmm isn't one, i suppose israel could use daisy cutters and flatten gaza, big buffer zone then, what would i do erm, try and make peace or at least try.

Israel's biggest mistake was pulling its settlers out of Gaza and allowing a terrorist outfit to take over there.

I think now Israel has no option but to take out the vermin of Hamas completely.

People have to make a choice. Either you stand with Israel or you dont. I stand with Israel. What about you?

I actually think it would be easier to  obliterate Hamas

well I suppose they cd. Think somewhere like Mariupol. Flat or Warsaw - average wall 3 1/2 inches high in 1945

The surprise? Russians offered arms and so there was no one to give away organisational details, because there were nt any.

Matters little to them. Stirs up all the more hatred. The point is that ignore the issue and it'll just keep flaring up. Many lives lost this time. Will be again & again if some compromise isn't reached. And no agreement will be reached unless talks are tried.

There'll be no peace until thr terrorists of Hamas are defeated, that's just the truth. If it can't be done then there'll never be peace. 
Yes Netanyahu hasn't helped but it seems plain to be that Hamas only wants confrontation. They exploit their people and their sponsors in Iran exploit them.

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Canary: "Although Israel are the M E bullies" - Standard terrorist supporting lefty rowlocks. Israel have only ever been defensive.

I wonder whos side Corbyn is taking?-The Palestinian terrorists or the Jews?

@18.27.The Scottish people stand firmly with Israel and the Jewish diaspora,well apart from a few anti-semite terrorist apologists in Glasgow that is.

YNNAFYMMI, I take it you're not aware there is an Aberdeen branch of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC)?

Are they a bunch of anti-semitic Jew haters also TCL?

I don't know but I know they're not in Glasgow and I doubt they are firmly behind Israel and the Jewish diaspora.

The only thing that's astonished me about this thread is that one or two AB'ers haven't said it's Israel's fault.

Gromit's usually one of them.

My views are my own, I do not require that loon from up north speaking for Scotland . 

Which loon from up North do you refer?

I am hoping the "loon" being referred to is a quine...

Nah, yer quine has to be a loon!  A Looney Loon to be more specific.

I hope it's not a Quine, 🤔

The profile shows a quine.

I just love living rent-free in all you nutty separatist and anti-semitic SNP cultists heads.Loving it.😅

Aye, a fanny right enough 

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