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Khandro | 08:26 Thu 01st Dec 2022 | News
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Taking into account the Charity Worker's name and appearance I consider quite a few people would query where she was from and not intend any offence. The situation, as it has become, would not have arisen if she had just explained politely and not jumped on the woke "'cos I'm different" bandwagon. I am not condoning racism when it occurs but as far as I can see the...
11:06 Thu 01st Dec 2022
Khandro - unless he is a direct descendent of Owain ap Glyn Dwr will he tell us?
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'Lady Susan’s career has been ruined; her godson has abandoned her on the altar of political correctness just when she needed him most, and the King has been happy to watch all this unfold without publicly lifting a finger to speak up for a woman he has known his entire life.

Sadly, the Royal Family’s reputation has been badly dented by this affair – but not because people think it’s full of racists. It’s been damaged because it rushed to judgement and all right-thinking people can see it for what it is: a ruthless organisation which is willing to chuck overboard anybody if they even vaguely threaten to harm its quest to modernise. How shameful.

This is a sorry episode. And we should all feel very sorry for Lady Susan Hussey.'

Extracted from;
I don't think that's reasonable or rational summation at all, Khandro. Looking at this ridiculous debacle in terms of the woke demands of today's fundamentally dishonest society, I can understand why the royals haven't entered into combat but have simply made the noises expected of us all. Few challenge those expectations for fear of being branded racist, sexist, ageist, and all the other ists and isms that now exist - and unfortunately the royals have to jump on that bandwagon. They are not in a position to do otherwise. I don't for a moment believe they have abandoned this lady. Their public response is simply an exercise in PR - and frankly if you think differently I believe you are being fooled.

You've posted from that publication before but I'm not sure you should take it too seriously.
Khandro - // Question Author'Lady Susan’s career has been ruined; her godson has abandoned her on the altar of political correctness just when she needed him most, and the King has been happy to watch all this unfold without publicly lifting a finger to speak up for a woman he has known his entire life.

Sadly, the Royal Family’s reputation has been badly dented by this affair – but not because people think it’s full of racists. It’s been damaged because it rushed to judgement and all right-thinking people can see it for what it is: a ruthless organisation which is willing to chuck overboard anybody if they even vaguely threaten to harm its quest to modernise. How shameful.

This is a sorry episode. And we should all feel very sorry for Lady Susan Hussey.' //

That response is a hyperbolic, and unrealistic, as Ms Fulani's assertion that she has been 'violated' by her exchange with Lady Hussey.

It was an unfortunate incident, and as I have read it, Lady Huessey resigned herself, and there is no indication that she was forced to do so, much less 'cancelled' as the hysterical modern media would term it.

Taking an objective, and far calmer view of the situation -

Lady Hussey behaved inappropriately and gave offence.

I do not believe for a moment that she intended to do so, and the notion that she is racist is frankly ludicrous, but nonetheless, she was unacceptably rude to Her Majesty's guest who was upset by it.

I think her decision to resign her post was hasty, and unnecessary, and it is possible that she and the palace will reconsider when the fuss dies down.

From the other side, I do believe Ms Fulani was upset by the intrusive questioning about her heritage, but she in turn ha been guilty of fanning the flames of controversy by reacting in a manner that is inconsistent with what happened - she was offended, she was not 'attacked' or 'violated'.

This is an unfortunate episode, Lady Hussey has offered an immediate and fulsome apology for her behaviour, which I think is entirely correct, it should be accepted in the spirit in which it is offered, and be laid to rest there.

I also believe that the notion of 'racism' is utterly inappropriate, I do not believe there was any racist intent offered, even if it was received, and William's statemen should have avoided such a contentious adjective for what was merely unfortunate wording in a conversation.

Hopefully the entire matter will die down, and those on here keen to smear Ms Fulami for reasons that appear to indicate that the smears in some way indicate that she deserved what happened, will calm down and stop that unpleasant activity which adds nothing to the actual debate and Question, and simply makes mischief which is unpleasant to read.
Susan Hussey touched Ms Fulani hair, lifted her hair over her shoulder. that is condescending. She quizzed her over and over where she really came from. This has nothing to do with black issues, it's an out-of-date old woman that should have been put out to pasture years ago. If this had been someone of say Scottish decent, with a pronounced Scottish accent, then susan hussey may also have asked where the person came from, if that person said Surrey, she might have followed that up with, oh where does your family come from? It's a class thing, from years ago, where people's family origins, pedigree whatever were of great interest to a certain class of people. The younger generation don't care, and the question would not be asked. However, Ms Fulani has jumped on the poor black me bandwagon and must be revelling in the publicity this has caused for her charity. Yes, Susan Hussey should be sent to the country and yes, Ms Fulani is milking this for all its worth.
That pretty much sums it up Meaghan.
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naomi; //I don't for a moment believe they have abandoned this lady.//

That is ridiculous, Lady Hussey has been thrown under a bus. It is an appalling thing to have overseen by Charles & William. What on earth do you mean by she hasn't been abandoned?
She has been publicly humiliated after a lifetime of service.

And there is nothing wrong with TCW, (the usual ploy, innuendo without evidence) it is an excellent site and has some top class contributors, including Douglas Murray.

“ The Charity Worker in question undoubtedly had an agenda. She claims to be British then doesnt act like one.”

Good grief
Khandro - // That is ridiculous, Lady Hussey has been thrown under a bus. It is an appalling thing to have overseen by Charles & William. What on earth do you mean by she hasn't been abandoned?
She has been publicly humiliated after a lifetime of service. //

I see you are adopting similarly florid prose as your magazine of choice, and you are equally as OTT as you are incorrect.

There has been no 'throwing' of anyone anywhere by anyone.

Multiple media reports confirm that Lady Hussey apologised and resigned from her post immediately when the story broke.

Your attempts to see her as being treated with the virtual equivalent of burning at the stake is quite frankly ludicrous.

And let's not forget that it is Lady Hussey's behaviour that caused this situation, and the resulting loss of her position. She is willing to accept responsibility, even if you are not.

I could rudely accuse you of 'pointless virtue signalling' as you did me, but I don't use teenage woke buzz phrases if I can help it - one of us has to be the adult here.

“ I see you are adopting similarly florid prose as your magazine of choice, and you are equally as OTT as you are incorrect.”

Now you’ve got me interested. What magazine is this The Spectator?
sp - // A-H

“ I see you are adopting similarly florid prose as your magazine of choice, and you are equally as OTT as you are incorrect.”

Now you’ve got me interested. What magazine is this The Spectator? //

It's 'The Conservative Woman' -

As OTT and hysterical a piece as I have ever read anywhere, I hope the writer, who is about four feet to the right of Attila The Hun, is having a lie-down and a stiff brandy.
Sp follow link at 11.03
Khandro, both Lady Susan Hussey and the royals have done what was expected of them. They have made the right noises. She has apologised for any offence she inadvertently caused and has stepped down as lady in waiting - which means she will no longer accompany the queen on official occasions - and they have condemned racism. That doesn’t mean she will be ostracised. She won’t. She is an old and very close friend and as such she will remain within the royal circle as she has for most of her life.

Coincidentally, a few days ago the palace announced that the queen is disposing of ladies in waiting in favour of a new innovation - Queen’s Companions - who will mainly be involved in correspondence etc. Lady Hussey’s daughter is among the new appointees.

Lady Hussey will no longer be a Lady in Waiting - but neither will anyone else. As I said an exercise in PR.

The authors of your blurb, instead of putting two and two together, have, like many, succumbed to knee-jerk hysteria.
A-h beat me to it but it is fascinating to see a publication which makes JRM look to be far left in comparison
naomi - // Khandro, both Lady Susan Hussey and the royals have done what was expected of them. They have made the right noises. She has apologised for any offence she inadvertently caused and has stepped down as lady in waiting - which means she will no longer accompany the queen on official occasions - and they have condemned racism. That doesn’t mean she will be ostracised. She won’t. She is an old and very close friend and as such she will remain within the royal circle as she has for most of her life.

Coincidentally, a few days ago the palace announced that the queen is disposing of ladies in waiting in favour of a new innovation - Queen’s Companions - who will mainly be involved in correspondence etc. Lady Hussey’s daughter is among the new appointees.

Lady Hussey will no longer be a Lady in Waiting - but neither will anyone else. As I said an exercise in PR.

The authors of your blurb, instead of putting two and two together, have, like many, succumbed to knee-jerk hysteria. //

Thanks for your informative post - which does fly directly in the face of the Tory rag nonsense which has made incorrect assumptions and got itself into a robble over its own incorrect assessment of the situation.

It's the equivalent of getting hold of the wrong end of the stick, and then beating about the bush with it!

(Copyright Eric Idle - thanks Eric!)
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