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The Royal Palace

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Khandro | 08:26 Thu 01st Dec 2022 | News
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Taking into account the Charity Worker's name and appearance I consider quite a few people would query where she was from and not intend any offence. The situation, as it has become, would not have arisen if she had just explained politely and not jumped on the woke "'cos I'm different" bandwagon. I am not condoning racism when it occurs but as far as I can see the...
11:06 Thu 01st Dec 2022

This is a west African's response to that tweet.

(1)The Caribbean woman's real name is Mary Headley. (2) Her "African-sounding name" is so hilarious that many Nigerians on Facebook are asking What The Funicular it even means. Claiming your name is "Ngozi Fulani" is like saying your name is "Mohammed Smith"

And your point is?
No point really, but thought "Mohammed Smith" was funny.

Still, I will point out that I would rather listen to the views of black people on this than anything you have to say.
A woman who invents an African name and dresses like this and references Africa in lots of her tweets doesn't want to discuss her African roots...mmmmmmmmm.

I wonder if she dressed like that before she started her charity work (which pays very handsomely)?
Keep it up Roy, I am warming to Lady Hussey even as I type ...
Mary will regret her 15 minutes of fame.
Things will unravel.
What on earth makes you think she wanted 'fame' in the first place?

This whole business was not of her making, or have you forgotten that?
We can never be sure that a liar is ever telling the truth. I haven’t changed my mind about this one. She’s a troublemaker and she’s a fraud.
//This whole business was not of her making, or have you forgotten that?//

the inflating of it was
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andy-hughes, where are you from ? I mean where are you really from?
Khandro - Pluto.
Davebro - To an extent, I agree, but inflating the issue does not negate or mitigate its cause.
Naomi - 'this one'?

What on earth does that mean?
The one I was talking about.
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andy-hughes //Khandro - Pluto.//

In solidarity with Lady Hussey I'm asking everyone. Now andy, where are you really from? 'hughes' sounds a bit Welsh to me :0)
Khandro - I'm not sure Lady Hussey needs your 'solidarity' - a lesson in polite conversation would probably be of more use to her.
Well, I think I can see why we have precious few non-white members on AB.
Not sure how you know that, mozz. Have you been looking specifically?
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a-h: What is impolite about asking where somebody comes from?

p.s. I hope you're not one of those bogus Welshmen :0)
I'd say anyone aggressively prefacing a challenge with the word 'lady', as this woman did, is the one who needs lessons in polite conversation.

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