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Bobbisox1 | 22:42 Tue 22nd Oct 2019 | News
44 Answers
An extension till 31st January , just how long do they want to sicken us???


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What an excellent letter and oh so true, and there are many people out there who feel exactly the same. If it does extend to 31 January, come 31 January, you can bet your life it will be extended again and again ad infinitum !!!
08:34 Wed 23rd Oct 2019
Spath, the MPs who run our country are party to the construction of Project Fear. That said, curiously you appear to hold them in extraordinarily high esteem clearly endowing them with rather greater acumen than they actually possess.
Sorry, them letter lost my support after comparing Juncker to Hitler and his like.

If we have to leave (and I believe we do now), I want us to leave with the best deal possible. If that takes another few months to achieve, so be it. Better to leave under a good deal than now with a bad or no deal whatsoever.
The letter is also flawed in thinking that Corbyn, whose entire political life has been oriented towards leaving, is in any sense leading the Remain camp.
Has Godwin's Law kicked in?

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