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Bobbisox1 | 22:42 Tue 22nd Oct 2019 | News
44 Answers
An extension till 31st January , just how long do they want to sicken us???


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What an excellent letter and oh so true, and there are many people out there who feel exactly the same. If it does extend to 31 January, come 31 January, you can bet your life it will be extended again and again ad infinitum !!!
08:34 Wed 23rd Oct 2019
Just a thought, has anyone organised a survey of ditches around the land?
There may have been a terrible accident.
BOBBI, you may be sick of it but no doubt the ones needing to make the decision are sick of the pressure on them to rush through the legislation in only a few days.
Douglas, I'll be happy to help dig one if he can't find one he likes. ;-)
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TCB, they’ve had 3.5 years to ‘rush it through’ if it weren’t for them fighting amongst themselves, maybe it would have been sorted now
Mozz - I'll help you dig the ditch. How deep do you reckon?
I think most of it has been already scrutinised when it was May's suggestion. The delta difference ought not take long.

And no-deal Brexit is just a short time hit, more than made up for by having progressed past parliamentary blocking.
If the EU grant an extension then Boris will go for a General Election.
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I hope he does Danny and draws a line under this utter farce
What an excellent letter and oh so true, and there are many people out there who feel exactly the same. If it does extend to 31 January, come 31 January, you can bet your life it will be extended again and again ad infinitum !!!
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Worthy of a BA HereIam
Thanks Bobbs. What paper was the letter in ?
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Not sure tbh HereIam, a friend posted it on FB but the writer is from Cheshire I see ?
Yes, my neck of the woods. I'd like to shake his hand !
He may be listed in the phone book.
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Me too, I hope it was sent to Westminster
//An extension till 31st January//
is it my suspicious nature that a year hasn't been specified?
Ha! Good point ael ..
Bobbi. //as a layperson…//

Despite all the hot air and predictions of doom, everyone here is a ‘layperson’ so don’t let anyone tell you differently. Project Fear, much of which has been debunked, continues to fulfil its purpose. Truth is there’s a big world out there, by far the majority of it not dependent upon the EU. The sky really isn’t about to fall.
"Project Fear, much of which has been debunked, continues to fulfil its purpose."

Ah yes, the MP's who run our country I'm sure are giving into project fear. purleease...

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