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Old_Geezer | 09:18 Wed 28th Aug 2019 | News
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Well I see some very good outcomes if BoJo pulls it off.

He had no choice COB's attempted coup saw to that undermining all negotiation.

//House of Commons Speaker John Bercow said it was a "constitutional outrage".//

And it is just as much an outrage as seizing control of Parliament when it was only supposed to be discussing the progress (or more likely the lack thereof) in restoring the Northern Ireland Assembly. Remainers (aided and abetted by Mr Speaker) began the game of using inappropriate and obscure methods of forcing Parliament to adopt inappropriate procedures in an effort to prevent Brexit. Pots and kettles spring to mind.
I may be being pessimistic, but there are 2 competing scenarios that could bring about a break up.

Scotland and N. Ireland voted to remain, so an hard Brexit would push support to Nationalists in those countries, and push for full independence.

Or a Coup to eject Johnson, and stop Brexit will mean the SNP will have succeeded, and will garner them more support.

Meanwhile, English indifference to a break up means it is more likely to happen.
gromit: "Brexit at all cost has been your mantra. If it costs the break up the Union, you won’t be the slightest bit bothered, you have posted many times to that effect" - yes but I'd like you to tell me how you think that could happen all the countries of the UK know that they'll never be allowed to join the EUSSR even if they somehow vote to leave.
Gromit 11.35, Ludwig 11.38, agree with you .I am beginning think we now have a Lunatic running the Asylum. " Gawd elp us ".

//Scotland and N. Ireland voted to remain, so an hard Brexit would push support to Nationalists in those countries, and push for full independence. //

Northern Ireland could always cede to the republic. mmmm, what would the rev Ian Paisley have said?
So the unelected PM suspends Parliament - why aren't the usual suspects howling about democracy ?

Because of course this time it suits their xenophobic agenda.
//Gromit 11.35, Ludwig 11.38, agree with you .I am beginning think we now have a Lunatic running the Asylum. " Gawd elp us ". //

the problem though, Gulliver, is that the management committee lining up to remove him are every bit as lunatic.
I don't think the RoI would take on NI with their hard line Loyalists at any price.
Calicogirl //Inching ever closer to a civil war- how lovely.//

Calm down,dear.
Just how much did you lose on that bet?
11.54 Think we all know Boris is just the puppet , other MPS are pulling the strings, IDS and CO.
Typo " muppet.
canary: "So the unelected PM suspends Parliament" - oh dear, the PM is elected the same way all prime ministers are. Your ignorance is sometimes quite breathtaking canary.
"Northern Ireland could always cede to the republic. mmmm, what would the rev Ian Paisley have said? " - NOY SURENDAAR

// all the countries of the UK know that they'll never be allowed to join the EUSSR even if they somehow vote to leave. //

Do they know that?
Scotland’s population is bigger than Ireland’s and they are full members. Scotland is bigger than 11 EU states.
And tiny NI are bigger than Estonia, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta, all full EU States.
They could even form a Union of British Isles Celtic States and form a country without England (that might be fun).

Anyhow, the EU are not going to reject any former UK countries who wish to join. Again your wishful thinking is clouding your judgement.
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Well Gromit, even if a few were to join the extremists in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the rest still have to weigh up the downside of no longer being in the Union with the purely emotional attraction of independence. One hopes most will support democracy and the UK decision as the west is supposed to be in favour of that.

Scotland would still be looking at being outside the EU and with no further subsidies from the rest of the UK. If the finances didn't work last time, they won't now.

Northern Ireland need to consider both scenarios, not being offered to join the Republic and coping on their own outside the EU, or managing to join the Republic with all the troublesome tension that'd release.

For both coutries it would seem to be an example of self harm, and so I consider it more likely to be a prediction based on fear of worst case scenario rather than from probability. Beware the end is nigh ?
Gromit, notwithstanding all you've said, allowing an independent Scotland into the EU would set a precedent that France and Spain cannot countenance, lest Catalunya and Euskadi make similar moves.
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Because of course this time it counteracts the undemocratic activity of those MPs hell bent on denying democracy to the people. Needs must and all that.

FTFY Canary ;-)
gromit; "Scotland’s population is bigger than Ireland’s and they are full members. Scotland is bigger than 11 EU states. " - irrelevant, it's about precident. France/Spain will veto, fearing Catalan/Basque following suit.
Scotland doesn't have its own currency and is funded by the rest of the UK. How likely is it the EU (well the Germans) will want to do any funding?

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