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Old_Geezer | 09:18 Wed 28th Aug 2019 | News
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//Although the conferences are due in September, there has been talk of holding a debate as to whether the recess should be cancelled. //

unlikely. Labour need a two thirds conference majority to sign off its next manifesto.
'Seems like a plan?' And a bloody good one too. That creep Grieve has been sulking ever since May refused to give him his old job back as Attorney-General. Let's hope his constituency deselect him at the earliest opportunity.
It brings the Queen squarely into the political debate, and into the Brexit controversy.
She has to acquiesce to Johnson’s demand, but suspending MPs from voting and is not how the game of parliament/monarchy is supposed to work.
The Queen will do it though, and the break up of the United Kingdom will result, which is certainly not what the Queen wants.
MUSHROOM, the conferences could take place still but without the MPs.
gromit: "The Queen will do it though, and the break up of the United Kingdom will result" - err why? How? please justify your answer!
TTT, come on now you know wild accusations and hyperbole don’t have to be justified or provable.
//the conferences could take place still but without the MPs. //

I've been to meetings like that, where attendance is compulsory and the "invitation" tells you it will be led by Mr CEO and other decision-making dignitaries..... only to find they've all cried off to attend an "urgent client session" leaving Mr nobody minion in charge who has no authority whatsoever and even less of a clue about the subject material. complete waste of time.
Just like most political conferences then Mushroom ;)
Inching ever closer to a civil war- how lovely.
Well now we know we have a firm, resolute, P.M. who will do what he says he will. No shilly shallying around with feeble attempts to 'negotiate' like our previous failure. It seems Mr Johnson ain't clowning now. I think he has told us all, including the EU,just what the position is loud and clear.
What's that then, Retro?
Brexit at all cost has been your mantra. If it costs the break up the Union, you won’t be the slightest bit bothered, you have posted many times to that effect.
Break up is a serious possibility which is why political debate has/is been going on since 2016.
You may be right, and breakup might not happen, but as with so many of your brexit pronouncements, it is based on wishful thinking rather than any insight.
//But the prime minister said it was "completely untrue" to suggest the suspension was motivated by a desire to force through no deal.//

Why is your nose Just got longer , Boris ?
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Back benchers taking control of the order paper in an attempt to prevent the democratically arrived at decision of the people, is not how the 'game' of parliament/monarchy is supposed to work, either.

Any potential break up of the Union is something always threatened by mainly Scottish and Irish fanatics, Brexit or no Brexit. One has to assume more rational minds in the majority of the population will outvote them, and not be stopped from doing what is right by such threats. Capitulate to threats and one would never achieve anything.
Gromit - I don't follow the logic that says Brexit (Deal or No-deal) means that Scots will get an Indy Ref & if they do will vote for Independence. An independent Scotland outside the EU or in the EU & with a hard border with England? Are Scots really so naive?
Wonder how long it took Doris to decide on this idea put to him by JRM and IDS ?.
Talks of a Coup and of Proroguing are very dangerous because they go against electors wishes. Politicising the Queen and encouraging nationalism also adds to the danger.
I feel very uneasy about our near future, however it all plays out. Irreparable damage is being done, and we will regret it.
"Although the conferences are due in September, there has been talk of holding a debate as to whether the recess should be cancelled"

So that'll be a mass debate by remoaners and remainics then.

It's a good day seeing the undemocratic Metropolitan Elite being outmanoeuvred.
// I feel very uneasy about our near future, however it all plays out. //

Me too. I see no good outcome to any of this shambles.
"Irreparable damage is being done, and we will regret it."

That was done by the undemocratic Metropolitan elite who think they know better than us 'plebs'.

Well, the worm is turning, and not just in this country the majority are sick of being lectured to by a bunch of dictators.

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