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"The Movies"

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Le Chat | 19:47 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | Artists
3 Answers
When I was at college in 1983 my room mate had a tape of a group called The Movies and the album was called "Stage Door C". I believe that this album was deleted around about that year. Would anyone know where I could find it? (either vinyl or tape)


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The album which incorporated "Stage C" as part of the coverart was actually titled "The Movies".

Here is "Black Country Lady" from that album...

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kempie - Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times over!! I have been looking for 25 yrs!! ...Just need to get hold of a copy now.......
Have you tried Amazon. I recently wanted to buy a particular CD but was told it was no longer available. I tried amazon and there it was

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"The Movies"

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