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Who Do You Think You Are? - Oh dear!!

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pips1 | 23:24 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | TV
27 Answers
Just seen Richard Madeley's episode, he'll be even more full of himself now!!


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i find him really irritating !
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Me too.
i feel sorry for judy.................
That's why she drinks
allegedly !
It's well known
Can't think of many people I dislike more than poor Richard Madeley.

...and as for him standing in for Chris Evans in the mornings - well how very dare they!!
Oh come on, Chris Evans is worse!!
I thought it was the most boring one in the series I switched off with 20 mins to go zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i dont mind chris evans.
Can't remember who it was that said it, but it seems apt:

If you want to know the measure of the man, look at his wife.
gosh....anyone would think you all knew him in person...
Chris Evans is like Marmite and I love him on toast, in soup, morning, noon or nightime. He can do no wrong and I wish many more people had even half of his enthusiasm for life. Got it bad haven't i?!
I found Richard Madeley's episode so interesting that I fell asleep half-way through, and can't be bothered to watch the bits I missed on Iplayer! I also keep the radio off now until Ken Bruce at 9.30 starts - don't like Chris Evans either.
Don't watch WDYTYA anymore

Radio 2 is not the only station in the universe, why not expand your horizons?
Please tell me he is not descended from god.
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Not quite barmaid, though he might think so! No, his ancestors on his mother's side seem to have been quite influential in the American/Canadian new settlements to cut a very long story short. Thank you all for your responses.
Having said that I listen to CE on Radio 2 for the total length of my drive to work each morning which amounts to all of 25 minutes a day! But when its Richard Madders its switched off/over straight away for fear of falling asleep at the wheel.
Oh I sometimes listen to Heart, or Radio Solent scotman, but I'm not often out in my car before 9.30 these days.

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Who Do You Think You Are? - Oh dear!!

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