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Who Do You Think You Are? - Oh dear!!

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pips1 | 23:24 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | TV
27 Answers
Just seen Richard Madeley's episode, he'll be even more full of himself now!!


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I deliberately didn't watch tonights episode.
He is so far up hos own backside, h has a permanent tide mark.
Nice one, anna
well typed Anna.

RM (can't bring myself to type his full name) is just not my cup of tea or any other beverage for that matter, and as for him sitting in for Chris Evans on R2 in the very dare they!!!!!
He should have done time for shop-lifting.
Not keen on Richard Madeley, but absolutely can't stand Chris Evans. His irritating voice just makes me cringe and as for being up oneself, well Chris Evans is the worse offender. I can't have Radio 2 on in the mornings any more until Ken takes over.

I thought it was boring last night as well, by the way.
Bring back Terry Wogan.
not a fan at all, but i gave rm the benefit of doubt and watched the full episode although i did end up drifting in and out of consciousness so cannot claim full attention was given.

i thought the part where he found out his great (x8) granddaddy actually took part (as a sergeant) in the great swamp massacre where a native tribe including men women and children were burnt alive or sold into slavery was quite touching.

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Who Do You Think You Are? - Oh dear!!

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