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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ♂ ◙ ♀ ..... thanks to netti, I can copy hers hehe.!!!!! hey jude,wish they would get rid off that swarm off bees they got in the footy studio..its driving me crackers.!(:O)
Ha ha ha you're trigger-happy with that keyboard Neti:) Does Mousey do this?
Oh hai Vinny, didn't see you, I saw just the thing for you yesterday but I forgot to save it down. Hang on, I'll see if I can find it again...
Here we go Vinny, it's your Christmas pressie http://www.lecreuset....g-Mini-Cooler-Sleeve/

Okay I'm turning this monster machine off now or I'll never make it out before sundown, see yous all later. Robi hang in there xx
Just wondering how you are Robi ,I feel for you .thinking of you .Love Dolly xxx
Hope you are supporting España in the footy today, if not, why not????
Yes swedie, and she's started to jump on the table looking for food when there isn't any on there, strange cat!!!
Just called in to say Hello before venturing out to tackle some undergrowth. Had a nice lunch with a friend and would rather go to sleep actually!!

Glad Mr Woofy is doing so well.

Changed me aviator!!

I've also changed my aviator, can everyone see it?

Oh those dreadful vuvuzelas, I can't hear a damned thing on BBC red button, so will have to change to Spanish TV cos it´s not so bad, but the commentators get so excited!
Hello all. Thanks for the reminder on how to do symbols. I knew we'd been doing them before.
Shaney Sorry didn't mention Mr, S before. Hope everything is alright with his scan. I would hate to go in one of those tunnel things. The one I went in was like a polo mint
Hi Vin. I'm learning to live with the bees. But the footie is a bit slow starting. What do you reckon!
Love the new Avatars. Not changing mine until the world cup is over even if England don't get anywhere. How b****y negative is that!
Take care Robi still thinking about you x
Question Author
Here I is! ☼ ☼ ☼...better weather here than Perth apparently, ha! Thank you for thinking about me & all the lovely messages, I'm fillin' up... you can stop being nice to me now, I like it when we beat each other up ;o)

This internet's damned good intit? (when it works, haha). I was glued to all the comings & goings of Birmingham, Dubai & Perth airports yesterday & this morning & was able to see that all the flights took off on time & landed safely. (lordy, there's a hell of a lot of ironmongery up in the sky!) I was chatting to my son on msn at 11.30 last night while he was in Dubai airport. Crikey, this would have seemed like witchcraft not so many years ago. His plane landed in Perth on time this morning, so I'm assuming he boarded & he wasn't ejected en route for being unruly :o)...hopefully I'll hear from him when he's at his bro-in-laws - having a few tinnies I daresay.

...and I'll have to go through it all again when the family go next month :o(

I'll be able to see them daily Vinny??!! Does that mean I'll have to take me hairnet off & put me teef in? I'm going to wear a mask of a stunning dolly bird....well you never know who might be looking over their shoulders...a nice hunky Ozzy maybe? :o)

What lovely news for you woofy, well done mr.w. I hope he's not giving you the run around... you're not wearing that nurse's outfit are you? tut
Hope Mr S is ok shaney - KBO!
Anyne here mention Spain, Eh?? Come on Biddies, I mean I'll support England in the final (if Spain aren't in it)
<<<< Thwacks Robi >>>> considering she likes it! x
I hope you recognised my flag Neti!! It's not for England ;o)

Nice to see you Robi. Have been thinking of you today. My cousin is in Perth at the moment doing her house over there up for sale before she moves back to England. She goes back and forth like a yoyo - has done for years, but has finally settled for the UK. (She has a house down in the West Country - Somerset) She likes UK culture better - and of course we are a very cultured family ;o).
Well it looks like William of orange or Luxembourg , am a tad baffled!
My lovely bro and family live in Kelmscott, Perth and they've been there for 45 yrs and love it!
Russian flag Lottie?I love Russia!!!!!
I love a Russian! (Mr LL)
Oh you lucky thing, from what part of russia, I've been to St Peterburg and Moscow!

Football bah! Spain? never 'eard of 'em!!

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