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Steak & Kidney Pie

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Robinia | 15:22 Wed 13th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
537 Answers
I really really fancy a steak & kidney pie. What's the next best thing to home made? Plenty of excuses for not doing my own at the moment! (individual please, not family sad).


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Dear Woofy,

My very best wishes to Mr Woofy and I hope he soon makes a full recovery. Mr Lofty was just recovering from a major heart attack this time last year and at present is out in the garden sawing wood amongst other things. It's such a great shock when things like this happen, but you do get over it in time and begin to worry less and less each day.

Take great care of YOURSELF too. All attention will be on Mr Woofie but you need some TLC as well.

Much Love

Robi, keep your chin up gal! I understand how you must be feeling. xxxxxx
I am knackered!!!! We went to the Imperial War Museum yesterday, Mr Lottie and I and Mr Lottie Jnr and partner. I thought I would hate it, but it was actually brilliant and an amazing place. The best bits for me were a 1-11 aircraft which brought back wonderful memories of my days with Court Line Aviation, and a replica of an old prefab complete with furniture. I now feel extremely old remembering all these things!!

The men of course spent hours looking round every single plane. Mr Lofty had a flight around Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. Five hours went very quickly and then we all went for a meal (curtesy of Tesco vouchers) to the Bella Italia in Cambridge. The weather was just perfect.

I had plans of gardening, but I really feel like going back to bed.
Robi I forgot to say anything to you. Like Loftie says, Keep your chin up. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. It would effect me very badly even though I would encourage and want them to be happy and have the best life wherever they lived.
My sister has a daughter and 12 year old grandaughter who has lived in New Zealand for 20 years and we talk regularly face to face on skype and then have a chat on face book sometimes.
Sounds like you had a great day Lottie. Don't bother gardening just have a relaxing day.That goes for everyone whatever you are doing have a good day aches and pains and thoughts permitting.

I've been and seen to Ollie and Lollie for the last time today. Didn't have to water the plants outside as it had been raining all through the night which Is the way I like it.

Take care all see yer later 'gater(s) x
Hi folks
i'm here on a wing and a prayer .My internet has been completely buggered, freezing,eggtimers,non response etc and I gave up in despair and although my technician is here today and has lectured me and pressed a lot of buttons it's still limping along jerkily and most jerkily on here for some reason .
I think we're going to have to bite the bullet and get a new one .My suggestion that I give it half an aspirin didn't go down a storm with the technician who was not in the best of moods to start with .I expect he'll rally round after his roast dinner :))

Woofy I'm really sorry to hear about your hubbie .I hope he makes a swift recovery and will soon be home with you again .Look after yourselves xxx

I have a poorly husband too ,he's been to the doctors and is just waiting for an appointment to see a consultant .

Did you go to Duxford Lofty ? It's great isn't it .

Have a lovely time Jno ..we did a Rhine cruise many moons ago from Cologne to Mainz .Wonderful scenery .
Chin up Robinia, we are all here for you xxx
Take care folks ,hopefully talk to you all again later .
Oh, dear Woofy, I am so sorry to learn of Mr Woofy's recent illness. That explains everything doesn't it. In its own way some kind of relief, I imagine, to finally understand what's been going on - and now he will have the doctors's full attention till he's well again and that's a good thing. Like the other biddies, I'm glad you have your brilliant sis there with you. She will make sure you eat and sleep and take walks with her and the lads, won't she? Take care of yourself, come see us when you can. PS do not let Neti cyber kiss your old man, you don't know where she's been:)

;-) >>>>

Long lost Shaney, I was wondering where you'd got to. Your technician's roast dinner was handmade I trust;-)

Were you a pilot, our Lottie?
OMG, my friend's apartment block blew up yesterday from a gas bottle and a mutual American friend of ours has been flown to Valenicia with 2nd degree burns over 40o of her body. thank heavens my old friend wasn't there.
Neti... I don't have the guts to google that. You must be in shock. Are they keeping her sedated?

This is the account in the local paper but I don't think the translation is up to much. My friend's apartment is the one with the red scaffolding which is the reason (thankfully) that she's not there. Mr N and were hoping one day to buy daughter one, glad we didn't.

Kit I have no idea apart from this clipping, but I expect someone will keep us informed as it;s a v small town.
You will have to scroll down to "Serious injury in Santa Eulalia" bit.
Looked at the photo Neti but didn't read the article - it's that ostrich thing again, I'm the same as Lottie there. Actually I meant I didn't even have the guts to google 'second degree'. The expression is the same in Swedish but I'm not sure exactly how bad that is. Doesn't sound good though, in combination with 40%. You'll be having nightmares now about your daughter and accidents if you're like me...? - I relive things that didn't happen but could have.
What an awful thing to happen Neti. I hope they will be ok .That's tragic,poor souls.

I've commandeered the childs laptop which is running at full tilt so why is my computer jerking along at half cock. Bah .
The Germans appear to be winning their game from the sound of the shouting coming from the front room:) I shall be glad when this football malarkey is over !
That.s sad Neti. What a shock for you too. We never know what's going to happen from day to day do we.

That was a good match to watch at last. Pity it wasn't England. Still I've not given up on them yet and my flag is still flying from my window.

I'm off to bed now I've been up since 6 and I'm really tired. I shouldn't be I haven't done much all day. It started off weatherwise ok and then ended up pouring down. Still the plants got watered again.

Have a peaceful night everyone. Bye for now. x
Morning all - have just got up early to prepare daughter's lunch cos she was late in last night and she just won't have the time.

Weather looks a bit suspect, but will probably brighten up later.

special thoughts to Woofy and DH and robi! x
Question Author
morning...still struggling with this site (only)...I've had a google & it could be something on here that my security doesn't like... it'll be football talk & flags so I think you need to stop it once! :o)

Glad you made it in here shaney, it's bl00dy frustrating all this computer business. Very best wishes to poor mr. s, I hope he gets sorted out very soon. x What a lot we are in here, like a row of dominoes, all leaning on each other...for pity's sake - no one move!! :o)

Thank you for your words of support, as woofy says you're all good friends. Family came yesterday for a couple of maudlin stuff just the Invasion of the Grandmonsters, place looked like a bomb had hit it, son sat quiet & knackered and me & daughter-in-law chatted about clothes & handbags, so it was like a normal visit really, haha.

That's awful news neti, hope everyone is ok... there was a gas explosion in S. Yorks yesterday & 14 flats for the over 60s were damaged & 2 people badly hurt.

Chin(s) up everyone...xx
Morning again Robinia and Neti and hi to everyone else.

Awful news about the gas explosion. I hate gas - it worries me! We don't have any out here in the sticks. We still warm ourselves up over a peat fire!! ;o)

Shaney, will be emailing you later - keep your eyes open. That is if you are still about and able to go on line. But then if you are not then you won't be seeing this, so ............................. I'm rambling..................on.................
for nothing!!!

Yes Duxford was absolutely great. I hadn't been since 1977. It has changed!

See you all soon x
morning .
Best wishes to your hubby woofy its good your sis is staying wth you.Robi your be able to see them on your webcam daily.I know its not the same,blimey it broke my heart when my kids boogered off to uni.But after a day its was okay..(:O)thats horrible news netti.You just dont know whats round the corner sometimes.Have a good one jno.Jude...glad I havent got HD....(:O)2 million missed the goal..! daughter phoned saturday from travalgar square....about a hundred rockers completely nude riding round london with england flags..(:O)
Lottie, we do't have any gas here on the island hence the gas bottles.


although the powers that be have now put in an undersea gas pipe from mainland Spain to San Antonio, but we won't he getting any for years and years and years!!!!!

An going to insist that Mr N now drills through his lovely tiling in the kitchen and puts the gas bottle outside, it`ll be much safer.
and there just isn't enough electricity for us all to go onto all-electric. they've since put on control thingies on our meters so we cannot overload and use more than we are supposed to!
Hi Vin I daren't mention 'you know what' on here but I'm glad I haven't got a 'you know what' as well :o) And I haven't given up hope yet about 'you know what' either.

Hope everybiddy is ok today and things are looking up for your husband Woofy. Still thinking about you and asking whoever looks after me to look after him.

Off to school in a bit to do my stint. Not hard work at all it's a real pleasure.

See yer later 'gater(s)

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