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NicolaB23 | 15:04 Thu 14th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
65 Answers
How do I change my display name on AB?


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AB is now waiting with baited breath for the advent of a user called HotChocolate, who will be greeted in the customary fashion, and will have to prove its bona-fides if neseccary.
Make sure you ask a stylish question then Whiffey
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Its not goin to happen whiffey - the names gone. so as i said if you come across hotchocolate - its not me
I'm rather more on the look-out for TepidCocoa.
Suprised me to
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Or cold tea?
What surprised you boro?

the fact that the name has gone?
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Or am i taking it too far
Nicola, you said the email address was already in use, not the AB name - they do not need to be the same. Register [email protected] and use that to register HotChocolate in AB.

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no both - HOTCHOCOLATES gone and the e-mail thing
No whiffeys answer
No it's not. Nevermind!
he he he ha ha ha......let the games commence!!!!
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ok who dunnit ?????
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Theres only a handful of us been talking about it - theres a traitor among us lol :-)
I'm still waiting for TepidCocoa, or GnatsBum, or GibbonBrain.
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You can't have baboon, I can tell you that from bitter personal experience lol xx :)

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