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NicolaB23 | 15:04 Thu 14th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
65 Answers
How do I change my display name on AB?


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OK so how do i do it
Lol Paul

Thanks boro x
Sign out and then register using a different screen name.
Nicola, from memory (it's ages since I did it), create a new email account, has loads of space, and register your new AB name to that. You can't have 2 names against the same email address so you'll need to let NicolaB23 sit in the corner and sleep afterwards.

I bet hotchocolate's gone already Whiffey!!!!!!!
OK guys hot chocolate was gone
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Ok guys, ive tried and it tells me that the e-mail address is already in use??? I only have the 1 e-mail address
Just go to, register a new account and use that email address to re register here. Honestly it onlt takes a few minutes!!!

Quick before Whiffey grabs it!!!
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I think your right whiffey, I'll need a sleep shortly - think i'll leave it for now so if you see hotchocolate - its not me
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so ummmm sorry if i'm being rude but are you M or F
Female. Did you think I was a bloke as well...check out boro's answer!
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Must be.....or the way I type!
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Cool - didnt think either to be honest
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Lol Paul, I hope not
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I'd answer that if I knew what it was
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