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Lapdancers and strippers required please!!

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PinkFizz | 15:13 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
430 Answers
Im thinking of opening the AB Nightclub for exclusive members only,and am holding intervierw this afternoon!

So I need:
Strippers - male or female

All applicants will be seen.Who's first??

(and this is only a bit of fun as a few need cheering up so pls don't ban - thankyou!)


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. still need to audition !!!!

I have my roll of tennas at the ready'll have to do better than that ;)
yaaay!! its Coyote Gorgeous still on the b illing??
Oh wow!!! Can I be a stripper? Can I, can I, can I???xxx
i've seen you 3 in action WW, you're hired!!
go on then Katie...get your kit off...shake that touche
I'm shaking it sweetie!x
You look great in that Nuns uniform tho, I must say
Thanks, but Zorro, you really should stop dressing up as an alter boy. It's doing nothing for me ;-)
when is PC Hugenob going to make an appearance??? i still have his rather large truncheon? ;)
he's in my office, taking down whiskey's particulars.
evening all!! sorry i'm a bit late! been giving a customer a bit of private treatment! lol!! xXx
Theres a no touching policy in this club you know posy
that better be all he is taking down or he'll not get his truncheon back!!
hahaha! never was good at sticking to the rules!! xXx
its a shame, the poor lass had just put them back on. ahem

'Evening, my beauties! Where d'ya want me then, stevie?
are you wearing your knickers back to front CB
up onto the bar ma sherie. you want a share of the takings you'd better get those boobidoos to work.
You're the boss!

Ah, is 'Ma sheri' my stage name too? :o)

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