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Lapdancers and strippers required please!!

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PinkFizz | 15:13 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
430 Answers
Im thinking of opening the AB Nightclub for exclusive members only,and am holding intervierw this afternoon!

So I need:
Strippers - male or female

All applicants will be seen.Who's first??

(and this is only a bit of fun as a few need cheering up so pls don't ban - thankyou!)


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Wooo China - you've forgotten the skirt love - oh sorry - that IS your skirt!!
Huh.... I'm just following the example set by management but if you don't like it I can go get my jeans...

< wanders off in a strop >

ere china the outfitt is knockout fancy a quicky ;~)?
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Only teasing coz im dead jealous of your legs!!
Question Author
guys - I am on the 'help the drunk'thread trying to get nat and loobie to take the hint that we are back here but I dont think its working!!
I don't get involved with the staff Froggy, it's unprofessional, besides, Nat and Loobie would kill me ;0)

Thank you Pinky, I'll go wait by the door for our first customer.
woah easy china i meant a drink whilst im waitin to start me shift ;~P
Oh well in that case.... vodka and cranberry.
coming up ill ave a voddy and red better make them biguns eh?
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will you lot go and get our dancers on the other thread pls - they are late!!
(spk teeters through the door with costumes in hand) sorry Im late guv, nightmare with the traffic. Who needs what and where measurin then?
I think nat will be here in a minute she is out rounding up people....
Can I have some accessories to go with my new black dress Skp... need something to take away from the plunging neck line!

ooooowwwww - you're all here AGAIN!

*zips up boots and steps on stage*
oh AB babes its past my bedtime, I will have to get here earlier nexttime, here is �75, get yourself a couple of drinks. XXXXXXXXXX
Sorry guys, I'm now officially on holiday.. well sort of, one more meeting to go! Have fun... keep it clean xx
*gosh ur club is booooring - people leaving at 5.10pm.....*

Or maybe us dancers are just vile to watch - no offence Lubes..
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About blooming time girls!!!!
waheyyyyy wer all ere so ave we got time for some rehersals and drunken stupor before the punter turn up
hehe see i said PUNTER
spk jus so we dont ave any confusion ere wat am i wearin tonight is it batman or fireman??

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