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Theland | 22:45 Sat 13th Jul 2019 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
Week 2 of shingles. Meds working slowly to clear it up, but pain is terrible.
Almost three days now with hardly any sleep.
Just felt like having a good moan to AB.


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I feel for you, awful pain, I was prescribed Amitriptyline, it dulled the pain for a while but sent me into orbit, sorry but it lasts about 6 weeks theland , what did help ( a little) was olive extract bought online
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Tis very paonful, Theland. Unfortunately, just have to ride it out for a few weeks. See if you can get new vaccination. Apparently, 90 p.c. effective.
You can only get the vaccine when your 70 Pstsy
Oh yes, I forgot that Bobbs!
I asked for it as I was 70 in the November and this was April, they don't advertise you get it in surgeries as allegedly it's £200+ a vaccine
Oh didn't know that, but not surprised. I've had it twice, and my sister keep as telling me to get it done. I'm too young! :-)
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Forgotten name of meds all used up. New meds for pain are Gabapentin Milpharm. Just wish they were more effective.
It's horribly painful and you never actually get rid of it as apparently it lies dormant on your spinal column and things like stress can trigger it, it's part of the herpes virus that painkillers don't touch as it's a nerve pain

Perhaps you need to.up your dose, Theland?
Theland ,go online and look for olive extract, it's helps a little
haven't read all the answers but my brother had his on his side and he said it was the worst pain ever and he was suffering from cancer at the time too - hope the pain lightens up a little Theland
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Thank you for listening everybody. Sometimes just moaning helps. :-)
Had shingles when I was about twelve. No other pain is like it. Least little noise set the nerve endings screaming. No pain killers back then just calamine lotion for the scabs.You have my sympathy.
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On my second bottle of Calamine. Small mercy.
//On my second bottle of Calamine//
On my second bottle of red...much more effective ;-)
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Yes. Calamine tastes awful!
//Yes. Calamine tastes awful! /
Similar to Fosters?
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Yes. Carling tonight.
Should you be drinking, Theland?

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