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Is Being A Top In A Bdsm Relationship Really About Empowerment?

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rowanwitch | 10:30 Wed 29th Aug 2018 | Body & Soul
226 Answers
Just thinking about this, a friend used to say she liked being dominant as she was able to work through a lot of bad stuff from her life She wouldn't switch roles because of early abuse but did say she enjoyed the responsibility for her partner. He used to say it was all about freedom, when you are completely disempowered in a safe space it is the nearest thing to total freedom. For me it was just a bit of a laugh between consenting adults. What do others think


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I'm slightly weird in that outside of the bedroom I am very assertive and confident and definitely not submissive to anyone, however in the bedroom I like a man to be dominant and sexually assertive, but only in contrast to extreme gentleness otherwise it's just a violence fest and in no way sensual, there HAS to be for me a contrast. That being said they have to...
14:55 Wed 29th Aug 2018
Sad, sad, sad.
Repressed, repressed, repressed :)
Sexual depravity is a moral judgement, and therefore rather subjective. There was, after all, a time within the living memory of many on here when homosexual sex was considered depraved in the eyes of the law, let alone in the eyes of the public.

The best absolute rule is to insist only that the activity be between capable, consenting adults. As long as that condition is met, everything else is a matter of taste.
Hands up who'd rather die:-

A. Of auto asphyxia in a BDSM session?

B. Of interminable boredom during yet another AB anti Muslim thread?
Blimey, Kva.....I don't know...but I'm getting on a bit and I'll be miffed if I die before finding out your news...... :-(

And yes, I haven't answered the op before anyone reminds me as often happens.....but Rowan, I just don't know.....x
We Irish lasses need to stick together Gness, you'll find out don't worry :) x
jim, rendering people unconscious, tearing their skin and choking them isn’t normal - or healthy. It just isn’t. It’s sick.

BDSM is a variety of often erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and other related interpersonal dynamics.
Just for the record Naomi there are a massive amount of common BDSM things we don't do including some of them mentioned, its a massive spectrum, but it's not okay to call people who do do it with their consenting partners depraved or perverted, it's just not okay.
So it's OK for me to swing on the 40 watt light bulb in my Batman boxers?
Mind you don't burn your Boy Wonder though Theland :)x
Have you got Batman's consent?

Use a safety net.
Oh things are getting weird....Theland wears Batman Boxers.... :-(
Second hand from a charity shop!
I've tried everything to be romantic with Mrs T, even whispering the three magic words, "Where's your purse?"
Try.....Here's my wallet, darling.........and see if things improve... ;-)
She got the wallet years ago.
Just lately bought her a new mop.
I can't use it - left handed.
Never had any inclination for all that nonsense, neither has my wife. We are not suppressing anything, just not bothered.

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