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Choosing A New AnswerBank Font

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AB Editor | 14:40 Wed 15th Jun 2016 | Editor's Blog
90 Answers

Georgia Desktop Designs /// Georgia Tablet Designs /// Georgia Mobile Designs

Tiresias Desktop Designs /// Tiresias Tablet Designs /// Tiresias Mobile Designs

Let me know what you think!

All the best,


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Which font should we use for the new AnswerBank Design? Georgia or Tiresias?

  • Tiresias - 46 votes
  • 55%
  • Georgia - 38 votes
  • 45%

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" it's win-win really."

Not for those of us that don't like the one we didn't vote for - I'm truly surprised at the votes for Georgia - is it really that it's so much better on smaller screens? I've not got - & will never have - a tablet, smartphone, watch, iKettle or any other such device so have no idea what AB looks like on them.
Question Author
Georgia isn't better on smaller screens, in my opinion.

But there is more difference between letters/numbers in Georgia than our current font, as Gromit's example from the first page testifies. This should be useful for those who need a bit of help with the previously discussed bum burn situation.

You can see what it might look like on a mobile by clicking the tablet and mobile design links above. You'll need to click on the image to zoom in slightly. to see it at a proper size.

For you LiK, your vote should likely only be based on the desktop look and layout, as you have little intention of using it elsewhere.
Ta Ed - I did my clicking & came to the conclusion that viewing a mobile screenshot on a desktop monitor couldn't be giving me an accurate representation of the smaller screen.

My opinion of Georgia stays the same - it would not be an upgrade but a backward step.
I know I'm repeating myself, but the clarity between - 'ones' 'eyes' and 'ells' in the Tiresias font is far superior and I can't see how that would be any different on a smaller screen.

Amazing how even the vote is but then I imagine some don't struggle as others do.

Georgia is far easier on the eye for me BUT because:
(a) Mamyalynne has pointed out the advantages for people with a visual handicap ;
(b) I've worked with children with visual handicaps ;
(c) several of our 'regulars' have limited vision ; and
(d) we lost a valued member (Jemisa) because her failing sight had reached a stage where she could no longer read AB's content -
I'm going to vote for Tiresias.
And for the same reasons so have I.
Thanks, Tony ;-)
Somewhat whimsical, as Tiresias was the blind seer in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex.
Fair point but one does not need the power of sight to be a prophet simply the power to see.
I only mention it because it is 50 years ago this month that I sat my Greek A Level, for which we had to study the play.
Comic sans serif ;-)
Hmmmm, I'm watching you.
If the font size is being increased is there a need to change the font style? Would "bum" and "burn" not be more easily distinguished in a larger font?
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