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Choosing A New AnswerBank Font

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AB Editor | 14:40 Wed 15th Jun 2016 | Editor's Blog
90 Answers

Georgia Desktop Designs /// Georgia Tablet Designs /// Georgia Mobile Designs

Tiresias Desktop Designs /// Tiresias Tablet Designs /// Tiresias Mobile Designs

Let me know what you think!

All the best,


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Which font should we use for the new AnswerBank Design? Georgia or Tiresias?

  • Tiresias - 46 votes
  • 55%
  • Georgia - 38 votes
  • 45%

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Stats until: 21:05 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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That isn't selfish,mamya. I voted the same for the same reasons, but there is no difference to me.
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It is, in theory, easier to read on your desktop too.

The font size has jumped from something like 16 to 21pt - so reading anywhere should leave you less strained.

As others have said - being able to see the difference between bum and burn is a useful feature!
Same here Mamya, my comment was Desktop only as I don't use the other devices... guess that makes me selfish as well.
Ed, reported you said a naughty word!
Ark, a choice is a choice and of course we'll all vote what looks best to us that's true.

Ed, always helpful to know those two apart.
Ta Pixie x
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You're all a bit hard on yourselves!

Mamyalynne - you might even find yourself providing us with the odd holiday update with the new site :)
That's possible, yes.

Did you say the rude word once or twice up there ;-)
I've voted but do not like it, not any of it.
I just closed my eyes and pointed to an answer. If I can't cope with all this then I'll leave and not a flounce.
This thread is about the font not the overall design of the site - it's worth having a look at Gromit's tinypic link on the previous page to see the differences between the two side by side.
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netibiza - what is worrying you about the new designs?
Can't we stick with what we have now?
I've voted for Tiresias, though. Georgia is too fiddly-looking.
not enough disco balls for the Balearic audience, probably.

I actually like the current font - but unfortunately it's not that easy to read: lousy kerning means I have trouble with the bum/burn interface, so I appreciate the need for change.

I think Georgia looks more elegant but I can perfectly happily live with Tiresias and if it's useful for people with worse sight than my own, that's fine. And type a bit bigger will be wonderful.
The fat one, though I couldn't read that either. Isn't there a eurofont that would suit everyone?
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"The fat one, though I couldn't read that either. Isn't there a eurofont that would suit everyone?"

Eurofont? Feel free to make suggestions.

"Can't we stick with what we have now?"
No - the site needs to become responsive to be more useful, and remain profitable.
No - one of the main complaints about the site is how hard it is to read, so improving font size and reability is very important.

I would be interested in opening up the discussion to anything you're worried about. Ask questions and let us know what's concerning you, we'd like everyone to stay on board.

We've already made some changes based on member feedback - we could make some more if it would make you more likely to continue contributing.

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I am surprised at how close this is. Tiresias seems the better choice for readability for me?
Most people are looking on their desktop, and can enlarge the graphic to a size they can see it. Serif fonts do look more classic, and what people are used to in a newspaper.
Also, a lot of browsers use a serif font as the default text font, so Georgia may look more like what they are used to.
I'm also surprised at how close the poll is , that's why I suggested looking at Gromit's comparison of the fonts without all the periphery.
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Everyone knows this isn't the brexit poll right? It's much more important!

Either is an upgrade, so it's win-win really.

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