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Hi, Has anybody on here got a pixie bob cat ? If so could you give some info. re: cost, general characteristics, etc. Many Thanks, Zuber....
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Hi, I work as a support worker and one of our tenants has locked himself out of his ipod. I have reset the ipod by holding the centre and menu buttons down at the same time, but how do I put a new...
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Hi, I was prompted to update my version of internet explorer a few days ago, so downloaded the most recent version. I have now found that the autofill option no longer works on my computer! Anybody...
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Hi, Is it possible to record something off of Youtube onto a DVD, so that it can be then be played on a DVD player? Thank you....
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A few weeks ago i took a tumble and grazed my knee. The graze scabbed and has now left a scar but the problem is that now there appears to be a build up of fluid above the knee which feels like water...
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Hi, For the past week every time I turn my laptop on I have to go through the whole 'start up repair' scenario, before I can start using my laptop. Does anybody know how I can resolve this problem, so...
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Hi, Does anybody on here own a Maine Coon Cat ? We are thinking about getting a Maine Coon Kitten, but would like to find out a bit more about the breed before we commit ourselves. We have already...
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Our cat Dusty is 17 (a very good age) & his health has been gradually deteriorating for the past 6 months. Firstly he went blind, which impacted on his mobility, though he was still able to get...
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Hello, I will have to soon purchase a new laptop, as the one I am using presently is 8 years old & about to give up the ghost! I have moved all documents & pictures from my laptop, storing...
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I have mistakenly deleted some emails that I still need- what a fool I am! Is there anyway that I can get them back? Peace and Love Zubar.....
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I just need to put this behind me & resolve the matter in my mind! I was diagnosed with glauocoma in February this year, and what with that & this still going on I am acompletely stressed out!...
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I think i must have been completely around the twist 5 years ago, the only possible way to explain my actionms at that time. I started telephoning this persons number, withholding my number of course...
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I last decorated one of the bedrooms in our house eight years ago, with the ceiling being a particular problem. The paper on the ceiling had deteriorated really badly, so scraped it off & repapered it...
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I am doing an online Union course and have to post a meesage on the discussion forum. I also have to add some attachments to the posting, so that the other forum users users can access these...
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We have two toliets in our 1930's house, but the downstairs toliet regularly gets blocked! When we moved into the house in 1996 the downstairs toliet had the orginal cistern & toilet bowl, which never...
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Was diagnosed with glaucoma just over a week ago now. I have two questions: 1) Can anybody share their experiences of living with glaucoma. 2) How successful did they find the eye drops in treating...
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How long will it take me to get use to my new varifocal glasses? Was advised to try varifocal lenses, as I was having problems reading with my old glasses. I purchased a pair of varifocal glasses as...
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west ham fan
My Grandaughter is coming to stay with me from Australia, not sure how long for. She was born in the UK, went to Oz at the age of 7yrs, became an Australian Citizen when she was 11yrs, she is now 18...
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We have an Acer Aspire computer at work and it is not functioning properly at the moment. When turned on a small oblong box appears in the middle of a black screen with the words 'Out of range' in the...
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I want to purchase a cheap MP3 player. Has anybody got any reccomendations?

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