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wii man

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As always we have had our usual selection of "holiday howlers" that we regret as soon as we have uttered them! For example a member of the family asked is the sea wet? Look at that plane ( it was a...
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wii man
i have a pond in my back garden. there were two frogs in it but when i cleaned it out they all hopped off and didn't come back. they were adult frogs. i am 12 years old and love animals why won't they...
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wii man
why do i recognise one of the voices in the advert for the car where the cartoon characters comment on it. i can't remember what type of car it was
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wii man
what is the record for most answers posted for a question and what is the record for most questions asked in a row
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what is th song on th bouncy ball advert, for bravia television
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wii man
when is j k rowling going to update her brilliant website
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wii man
is hotshots (a film that is going to be on channel 5) a comedy
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Hi, I am looking for a piece of music used frequently in "The Apprentice", normally when someone has been fired and is in the taxi looking back at what they have achieved. It was also used in a recent...
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Sugar Ray
How do you think todays conflicts - esp "middle east" will eventually pan out. It's difficult to really know what the truth is unless you really know the historical past and have access to all sides...
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cocodamol, ibuprofen, asprin or paracetomol - which would you recommend to nullify pain as a result of bruised/cracked ribs?
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wii man
I built a bird box at school and have now out it in my back garden but no birds live in there it has been hanging there for months why won't they go in?
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just how exciting are the question at the moment me im beside myself how do you feel ?
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Has anyone noticed a recent increase of fights between female soap opera characters? I believe Paul Collins in the late Brookside once referred to it as a 'fishwives' brawl'. Does anyone have any...
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When does the new series start?
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wii man
i'm not sure if anyone has posted about this before but is it true that they are making another series of futurama. It was better than the overrated simpsons and FOX must have been out of there minds...
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wii man
did anyone else watch the bbc2 program about radio stars. There was a clip of Noel's House Party that showed Noel Edmonds saying "hello west wing" if you watch deal or no deal you will see the...
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wii man
did the kid in the frosties advert really kill himself
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wii man
does anyone know what the name of the foreign film where someone gets there eyeball sliced open is?
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I'm 25 and still dream of being a Transformer. I don't mean just in my sleep i mean i want to be one. Shall i seek professional help or just try and fulfill my aspirations?
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Its a good programme, but however much must their dinner parties cost! One bloke last week spent ?200 alone on wine!

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